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Anyone coming to see Amma?

Amma is coming to London again this month - Tuesday 15th - thurs 17th at Alexandra Palace
She is the hugging mamma! She's hugged over 28 million people and goes round the world hugging folk and spreading the love ;)
She's pretty extraordinary to say the least!
Worldwide her foundation does immeasurable amounts of charity work to educate people, feed the hungry, house the homeless, give medical care and the list goes on. It's incredible how many people benefit. She preaches no religion just an extension of love, kindness and a commitment to humanitarian projects ;) what an inspiration she is

As uve gathered I'm an Amma fan! If any of you are going to be there on the Thursday then I'd love to meet up :)
And the food there is totally yum!
I went last time - agree it's a beautiful experience.

She's got an amazing energy...but the whole thing is a bit cultish in some ways.

There's loads of conflicting stuff on the web about it (do a search) - but on the whole, I think what she does is really inspiring. 8)

Thanks for the heads up...I'll definitely go.
I went last time - agree it's a beautiful experience.

She's got an amazing energy...but the whole thing is a bit cultish in some ways.

There's loads of conflicting stuff on the web about it (do a search) - but on the whole, I think what she does is really inspiring. 8)

Thanks for the heads up...I'll definitely go.

Great, Giv me a shout if ya wana meet up ;)

I went 2 years ago and loved it! Met some gorgeous people there too and I totally love all the mantras ;) I play the harmonium so bhajans my thing!
A few of my friends have lived in her ashrams in various places and the majority report all good stuff!

Lol at cultish! I know what u mean!
Tho I probs look like I'm in one wen I'm in all my yoga whites!! Haha!!
Tho I prob look like cultish wen I'm in all my yoga whites!!