alright ibiza gurus..........


Super Moderator
.......... another chance to show your knowledge!! :P

where, oh where is this shop?:


eeeeeaaaaasy!! :lol:
I think I remember that shop (or one like it) being in Ibiza Town.

Me and Mrs Jam had to wander through the little streets set back from the main strip as we were looking for the B&W Foto shop.

Needless to say we got completely lost but there were a number of little winding narrow streets with shops just like that on.

So that's my shot in the dark :)
McRackin said:
.......... another chance to show your knowledge!! :P

where, oh where is this shop?:


eeeeeaaaaasy!! :lol:

I am sure it is in Ibiza Town not far from the fruit market.
McRackin said:
.......... another chance to show your knowledge!! :P

where, oh where is this shop?:

Isn't it in la plaza de la constitution, at the corner with the calle del maestro mayans ?
not sure of the squares name but i think its the one round the corner from the bottom of the ramp into Dalt Villa.

McRackin said:
you both know where the market is :!:

now - where is the shop i am asking about :?:

(its not in that square)

If you go trough the Alt Villa entrance directly to the left.
This photo was taken ten meters from it...

yes - around there!! :lol:

its in c. guillem de montgrí 16 - opposite the new clothes shop of space and between 2 of the
oldest (and cheapest) restaurants in ibiza town, san juan..........


.......... and victoria:

good memory. heres a see-through-view of c. plàcid pereyra:


another easy question:
the door at the left is the entry to the kitchen of another old (and cheap) famous restaurant.
name please? :twisted:

eeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasy!! :P