ALASKAN Ibiza Spring Break Delegation


New Member
I am currently trying to recruit my friends to start saving NOW for a spring-break trip to Ibiza.

Brief history: I have been to Cancun alone on spring break as an 18/yo...Had a blast. My friends locally never have, but are big into the rave/dance/club scene.

We actually up here in AK (Alaska) have a very active DJ scene. If anyone knows DJ Dan from his days in Helo HI...? He went to HS with me. I've seen Joshua Ryan Live up here belive it or not...

Anywho... I want to to make a "package deal" for my friends. Anyone have any suggestions on the cheapest (but still sleep-able) hotels? Best/cheapest places to get hangover-food at?

I was amazed going to Cancun and shaking my head at the party scene. Perhaps it's the darkness in the winter, but even in the "lower 48" states I have never been to parties where people get as crazy as we do up here. I think Ibiza might just be the place to really put me in my "place" for once!!! :spank:

The airfare seems pretty fixed for the first week of either March of I'm looking for ways to cut costs in/about town (like food/cover charges/bus and taxi fare). . .

Need some experienced "holiday-ers" (I know thats what you Brits and EU ppl call it!) to lend me a bit of your own personal experience.

-DaDornta (the drunken eskimo)
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... My friends ... are big into the rave/dance/club scene.
...Perhaps it's the darkness in the winter, but even in the "lower 48" states
I have never been to parties where people get as crazy as we do up here.
I think Ibiza might just be the place to really put me in my "place" for once!!! :spank:

The airfare seems pretty fixed for the first week of either March of April...

hi dadornta, go to ibiza - you will love it,
but try to go not b4 end of june if you are into "heavy partying" !

take a look at this years partycalendar to see when all the action starts:
I was amazed going to Cancun and shaking my head at the party scene. Perhaps it's the darkness in the winter, but even in the "lower 48" states I have never been to parties where people get as crazy as we do up here.


Ive stayed in alaska for a while

for spring break, if your into a big party/club/dance scene......

try miami, vegas, south padre, mexico city, cabo, san diego, shrevport, vigina beach

I dont know you havent found any good party places in the lower 48, go to, miami is insane all year, so is dallas, houston, austin, detroit, chicago, new york, LA, south padre, Sadn diego, just to name a few, there are huge partied just about everynight. I would have to recomend Vegas, or Miami for spring break. The east coast has a huge dance scene on the coast pretty much all the way up to New York. Cancun has a great vlub scene if you know where to go.
yes def

i agree with phil , miss spring break and do summer break in ibiza june 15th to 15th september is ideal time for biggest clubs nights... i have done last 7 years spring break in cancun.. i love it .but not has good has ibiza.:lol: