I have started sending a hidden link out, based on length of forum membership/frequency of activity priority order, but you only have a few hours each until I pass it onto the next in the line.

If you registered an interest, please check your DMs and make a decision ASAP

Max purchase is 2 per member
Under the table deals, love this. You’d make a great politician @W_I_C!
I’ll be there, garden only though unfortunately. What happens when it moves inside? Does the garden empty?

Wondering if I’ve got the stamina to make Pikes later on. If there’s still people around, might just stay at Akasha for a bit.
I have started sending a hidden link out, based on length of forum membership/frequency of activity priority order, but you only have a few hours each until I pass it onto the next in the line.

If you registered an interest, please check your DMs and make a decision ASAP

Max purchase is 2 per member
Legend, thanks!