Airport to San Antonio


New Member
Im travelling over to Ibiza next week and I will be arriving there at about 20:30. Whats the cheapest way to get from the Airport to San An at that time cos I cant afford a taxi!
21.35 no 10 bus airport to ibiza town
22.00 no 3 bus ibiza to san antonio

all the info is on this site. have a browse
Airport to San An

We always get a taxi to San An - probably more expanesive than a bus but there is always a taxi there for you.
I think we pay about 20 Euros and you get there in about 15-20 minutes max!

why are you goin on holiday if you cant even afford a taxi from the airport?!
:roll: Just coz you're on holiday doesnt mean you have to spend every last cent you have. It's something smart people call budgeting :idea: 20euro's compared to about 2 euro's for a bus? Yeh, bring it on! And it's a good way to get a feel for the place and see a few extra sites that you wouldn't if you went by taxi.
Right on Bicks!

Im in the same situation but I am arriving at 1:20 am in the morning!

I think theres no option for me but to get a taxi to San An. I might try and get a taxi with someone whos going there too. split the fair haha.
Yeah I'm gonna be getting a taxi too but I can split the fare with the other person I'm going with so it shuldn't be too bad. :)
I've done a split fare in a cab twice now.

The poor guy two years ago had to put his suitcase on his lap though as Mrs Jam's bag took up most of the luggage space!! :lol:
So whos flying in on Sat 26th 21:55 easyjet flight and wants to share a taxi ride with me into San Antonio? haha