Airport security


Active Member a joke at Ibiza airport.

During the happy hour of queuing to check in for my return home in May, I saw a german woman leave an adjacent queue for a berlin flight and leave two bags near a waste bin. After checking in , she returned and carried them through with her.

B#gger me, but while waiting to check in to return home last Saturday, an italian women left her queue for milan and put two bags by the waste bin. I advised the useless operatives at the new airport reception counter and they were totally uninterestested despite a tannoy announcement regarding leaving luggage unattended whilst I was telling her. The woman returned and collected them after checking in.

I fully appreciate that it is the stupid airlines who are losing income by allowing such practices to be possible but we all end up paying extra to compensate.

There is also the security issue which doesn't bear thinking about.
Not a bad way to get past bag restrictions tbf. Security is not affected as the bags are scanned as they go through security to departures.
Not a bad way to get past bag restrictions tbf. Security is not affected as the bags are scanned as they go through security to departures.


Plus, at least when I flew back with Easyjet in June, at the boarding gate they were checking each passenger only had the one carry on bag, and that it was the correct size. This is as well as checking them at the check in desk.
back to them tricks are they..we used to book flights seperate and get a duty free bag.those big ones.but before at main check in desk pass your over weight hand stuff to your mate further down queue.mine you this was only done with the bigger tour op airlines.

seen it many ay time on easy jet/bmi etc .where people get to flight gate and get fine there.
I know RyanAir is now very hot on baggage fitting into their designated allowance thing at the gate and Easyjet check quite alot too.
It's no secret that these so-called budget airlines will squeeze every penny out of you at every opportunity, and everyway possible. So it should come as no surprise this goes on, and equally no surprise that passengers are looking at ways to get around it.

I remember a few years ago Monarch & Thomas Cook used to turn a blind eye if your hold luggage was a few kilos over. Now they are charging ridiculous rates per kilo over. It seems to have got worse since the financial crisis.

They will even halt the queue and make you exchanging items between your suitcase & hand luggage whilst everybody behind you tuts and gives you dirty looks! (hasn't happened to me, but i've seen it happen to others on several occasions).

But they won't let you swap items between your case & your friends - even if you're on the same booking. Bit naughty that.

Still, 15kg is plenty enough allowance for me for a week. Just gotta be savvy with what you pack in the hand luggage!
Jet2 have never checked my cabin bag; it's actually below their maximum measurements but I reckon it wouldn't fit into their cage! They also have never checked it's weight (I think 10kg is the max) and it's usually a tad over, but if I did get pulled over the heavy stuff's easy to get at and chuck, maybe my fave beach sandals, and replaced over there.

Just wonder if you had to reduce by a kilo or less, what they would do if you took (say)a towel out of your bag, slung it round your waist or stuffed it under your pullover? Same weight, different place! *Admits* even travellers with cabin baggage only probably wouldn't have a towel it their bag; but you get the point :D
i once flew with tomas cook.and they weighed my case and hand luggage 26kgs.So i started taking stuff out of my bag one at a time.And putting them in my pockets.Ie water/glass cases/keys/sweets/paper and so on.Untill the lady at desk said ok go through.

makes me laugh i am only 13 stones.not a overweight 25 stone person.i think its time they started looking into that more.
makes me laugh i am only 13 stones.not a overweight 25 stone person.i think its time they started looking into that more.

I agree, but it'd be a nightmare to regulate.

Even if you had passengers weight and dimensions embedded electronically in their passport, people's weight fluctuates.

If anything, you'd have to give people the responsibility to be honest about their weight when making a booking... so that already rules out half of the world's population!!!
With a 15kg weight limit for a week in Mallorca I ended up wearing my lounging around tracksuit underneath my jeans to save a bit of weight allowance. Easyjet had 40kg combined between us so we could have had 22 and 18 which I thought was fairer.

I did laugh at people shouting and screaming at the check in desk when there bags were over weight though, we weighed ours after packing to make sure we were ok and prevented any dramas.
I agree, but it'd be a nightmare to regulate.

Even if you had passengers weight and dimensions embedded electronically in their passport, people's weight fluctuates.

If anything, you'd have to give people the responsibility to be honest about their weight when making a booking... so that already rules out half of the world's population!!!

Yes, you can imagine the senario. You book a ticket based on total weight (pax + cases) and in the six months after booking, the passenger has lost a stone. (It happens!!). So his original £150 ticket should cost a few pounds less!
So he checks in and his bags and himself are weighed together - and the total is a stone less. then what? Does he get a refund?

What if it is the other way round, he gains a stone? Does he have to get his credit card out before boarding? What about those with cabin baggage only - how do they get weighed/charged??

Nightmare :D

But, on the other hand, if that's what had been done since day one of passenger flights, we would all be used to it and have it down to a "T". Just imagine 20 years ago, suggesting now you can only take 100ml bottles on to the plane, that you would have to be scanned virtually nude, and that you didn't need to use the check in desk either, just print your ticket yourself, go through security (taking your shoes off!") and onto the plane!

If there's a will there's a way. Payment by weight seems a fair enough method; but I'm 11 stone wet through and only carry light baggage - so I'm biased! Just hope I never get sat in the middle of two fatties; always try to book an aisle seat just in case :oops:
that you would have to be scanned virtually nude

Anyone actually been asked to go through one of those things yet ? Despite all the initial hoo-ha I've never seen them in use :!:

Does remind me of a funny cameo tho' .. in Portugal some international inbound flights to Faro used to involve a stop in Lisbon with a crazy change of terminal to re-board the plane. Full security searches in a transit stop for everyone on a thru' flight.

Some German guy had left stuff at the x-ray machine and was trying at the boarding gate to work out how he was going to get it back - clearly going nuts at having had to go through all the searches mid-journey. His sarcastic words had everyone in stitches :

"Vot iz it viz you people und zis crazy system. You vown't be happy until vee are all made to travel vearing nussing but sunglasses - und a condom !"