+++ after parties +++

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a 20-hour marathon (11pm-7pm) at toro mar announced since some days ago for december 15th is now happening at a secret location after eivissa pel cambi denounced it.....

:arrow: http://www.diariodeibiza.es/pitiuse...e-parar-fiesta-parque-ses-salines/588590.html

Por Motivos de SEGURIDAD y LEGALIDAD, informamos a todos los asistentes a nuestra fiesta de que emos canviado el emplazamiento de nuestra fiesta, pronto informaremos del nuevo emplazamiento, ya que es un local totalmente acondicionado y seguro para todos los asistentes, perdonad las molestias.


( original poster here )

no jokes with resistEnce and locaLITAtion, please!!
nah. last winter gringos, for example, lasted one month (december) before it was shut down and more or less the same will happen this time.....
a 20-hour marathon (11pm-7pm) at toro mar announced since some days ago for december 15th is now happening at a secret location after eivissa pel cambi denounced it.....

:arrow: http://www.diariodeibiza.es/pitiuse...e-parar-fiesta-parque-ses-salines/588590.html
the owners of the venue, which is illegal according to the council, applied with no success for a cafe-concierto license.....

:arrow: http://ultimahora.es/ibiza/noticia/...mar-ilegal-vigilara-celebra-fiesta-dance.html

The Town Hall has levied fines totalling 53,100€ on both the owner and the tenant of a house in the Camí de Fruitera, near Santa Gertrudis, where an illegal fiesta was held on the 2nd of September last year. It was decided that the two parties were jointly responsible as the owner had given permission for the event to be held. Tickets had been sold on the internet for the bash, which is against the law if permission has not been sought from the appropriate authorities. The large accumulation of cars which were parked near the property could also have produced serious repercussions in case of fire. The music from the property, known as Can Claverie, was so loud that numerous neighbours complained, causing a patrol car to investigate, where a steady flow of people was observed; also a form of box office had been installed. The organizer was contacted and warned to stop the party, which was done immediately, but as soon as the officers had left, the music started up again and the fiesta continued. When the officers returned they realized that it would be dangerous to attempt to move such a large crowd, while ascertaining that 15€ gate money was being charged. This was not the first time that complaints had been received, as only a couple of weeks previously a birthday party had been broken up because of the noise.
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