Advice Needed


New Member
Im coming over on may 3rd with a freind for 2 weeks, ill be 23 then and hes 19, but if we can extend our stay for the season that would be great, but as we are both 1st time job seekers for work in Ibiza, We have a few questions,
1st off is it easy enough to find a place to rent while working and will the wages we earned between us be enough to see us though the season so we can have a good time aswell as working just to keep us there?
2nd, how many days / nights a week is the requirement to work? full 7 day work pattern and if so how many hours do u have to work?
3rd, wheres the best place to find jobs and places to stay?
4th, we both dont really have any experiance in bar work, and we are not DJ's, So would running flyer's and doing PR'n be enough to earn the money we need to live out there for the season?
5th and last, whats do we need paper work wise to get us jobs over there
sorry some of these question may have been anwsered in other posts, so sorry for the inconvience if they have,
any helpful info would be awesome
dugdug03 said:
Im coming over on may 3rd with a freind for 2 weeks, ill be 23 then and hes 19, but if we can extend our stay for the season that would be great, but as we are both 1st time job seekers for work in Ibiza, We have a few questions,
1st off is it easy enough to find a place to rent while working and will the wages we earned between us be enough to see us though the season so we can have a good time aswell as working just to keep us there?
2nd, how many days / nights a week is the requirement to work? full 7 day work pattern and if so how many hours do u have to work?
3rd, wheres the best place to find jobs and places to stay?
4th, we both dont really have any experiance in bar work, and we are not DJ's, So would running flyer's and doing PR'n be enough to earn the money we need to live out there for the season?
5th and last, whats do we need paper work wise to get us jobs over there
sorry some of these question may have been anwsered in other posts, so sorry for the inconvience if they have,
any helpful info would be awesome

The hours you work depend on what job you get, pr'ing down the west end could have u working 7 days on commission and earn a pittence, or if ur a girl pr'ing for gorms/temptation u could make ok money.
Pr'ing for the clubs is better, more money better hours and usually legal whereas the westend usually isnt. They dont start interviewing for club pr jobs til the end of May/early June. Theres plenty of other jobs too.
In terms of accomodation, best bet is the Ship Inn, leave ur details there or reply to others for shared apartments. In my experience where u live matters less than who u live with.
Btw if ur an english worker the best place is San Antonio. Thats where all the english workers head. Im going back for my third season!! The place is addictive! San Antonio gets a lot of criticism most of it unfair, the workers community there is one of the strongest things pulling me back. (DC10 aside ofcourse)