Advice for brits driving in ibiza??


Well-Known Member
Apart from the obvious drive on the right and go the right way round roundabouts is there anything else i should know or particularly take into consideration driving in Ibiza? will have the car for 2 weeks using it most days so lots of road time. Any habits / things to watch out for that are particularly common in ibiza??
Kimjay your not allowed to give advice as you seem to right off cars every time you go :spank::lol::lol::lol:
Apart from the obvious drive on the right and go the right way round roundabouts is there anything else i should know or particularly take into consideration driving in Ibiza? will have the car for 2 weeks using it most days so lots of road time. Any habits / things to watch out for that are particularly common in ibiza??
Kimjay your not allowed to give advice as you seem to right off cars every time you go :spank::lol::lol::lol:

Only thing i could say to watch out for are the very tight corners especially when your driving off the main roads i.e to beaches etc.. Not much indication that a right angle is aproaching as my mate found out last year... The drainage along the side of the roads catches people out so give yourself plenty of space... Sensible and you'll be fine..;)
be careful about which side of the road you park on, as far as i can remember it changes weekly which side you are supposed to be on (could just be a rule local to San An though).

Can I hijack this thread and ask for suggestions for parking a hire car in PDB?

I'm staying at the Bossa Mar and having stayed there before I don't fancy parking up outside there. I don't want to park in Space car park either as I can't be bothered getting any grief from the OB every time i go to get in my car. Any other ideas? Or am I over thinking this?
theres a car park / concrete area that we have got in illegal cabs from (sorry!). its almost opposite bora bora i think possibly part of the funfair type thing. We parked by the Tivoli when we stayed there with no problems and didnt register the car or anything.
Any parking tips for free places to park would be good too
Always carry your licence.
On roundabouts with two lanes they tend to use outer one for carrying on around the roundabout (in the UK we would use the inner one)...if that makes any sense.
Don't leave anything in view in a parked car, lots of things getting stolen this year (agian).
Be careful about drinking and driving, the limit is lower over there and there are a lot of roadblocks. Carry some cash as it might be possible to pay an on the spot fine.
If nobody else is parking there...then you probably cant. Sometimes markings are confusing or non existant.
Be careful when turning left......especially on long straight roads as there will probably someone trying overtake you at some ridiculous speed.
When renting a car, insist that you bring it back full of fuel and not can be very time consuming driving around the airport in circles.
When renting a car, insist that you bring it back full of fuel and not can be very time consuming driving around the airport in circles.

what did u mean with this bit? im supposed to bring it back empty. are you saying you might run out of fuel or do you mean driving around trying to empty the tank?
take a black marker pen to touch up bumpers as they will always get scratched when trying to park, thus avoiding any charges
Watch out for the pedestrian crossings. They have the right of way, and will walk out regardless of you motioning to let them pass.

Parking, yellow marked on the kerb is a no no, blue means you will have to pay like you would to park in Britain.
Going by your name vodka John perhaps parking when sober will eliminate the damage caused to the bumper when parking up :lol:
what did u mean with this bit? im supposed to bring it back empty. are you saying you might run out of fuel or do you mean driving around trying to empty the tank?

Err...was joking about driving around.
But always best to give it back full as then you don't get charged for fuel you don't use. Esp on a short visit....They tried to do the empty tank thing on a 3 day rental with a small diesel car. A con.
ah ok :oops::oops: we there for 2 weeks so if i time it right returning it mostly empty should be fine. i guess it is a bit of a con as u have to 'buy' the first tank off them no doubt at a premium but it was easilly the cheapest price so i guess it all balances out
In a convertible, with the roof down, you will still get sunburnt even though you are 'in' a car!:lol:
Took me a few weeks in season 2006 to learn this!:lol:*

*clapped out Ford before anyone things I'm giving it the biggun!
ah ok :oops::oops: we there for 2 weeks so if i time it right returning it mostly empty should be fine. i guess it is a bit of a con as u have to 'buy' the first tank off them no doubt at a premium but it was easilly the cheapest price so i guess it all balances out

Are you having a slow day Marc?:lol: If you take it out full and bring it back full, you won't be buying any of them!:spank:
take it back full as if you don't they have your card details and are likely to charge you for filling up. similar with oil levels and windscreen washer fluid
If you visit Cala D'Hort within the first few days of driving the car DON'T drive to the bottom of the hill! Park as far up the hill as you can, it's virtually impossible to escape from the bottom of the hill....

Also, some petrol stations require pre payment with a card, I didn't realise this and instructions had worn off the pump, stood waiting for an attendant to reset the pump for a few minutes before the penny dropped:oops:

Just hooked the most remarkable Ibiza bargain ever, 4 days car hire £45 all inclusive, checked all the small print, no extras to add. Only a small Citroen, but easy to park :)
If you have problems finding a parking space, just pull alongside the other cars, whack the hazard lights on and go off for half an hour or so and do your shopping anyway....
nah im certain they said it comes empty and you return it empty but you have to buy your first tank off them (so it doesnt really come empty). was considerably cheaper than any other equivalent. so its just one tank of fuel you either buy at the beginning like this or at the end like normal surely??