Adios Rat Race.... Does anyone in Ibiza need a Publicist?!


New Member
I have handed in my notice and am heading the Ibiza on a one way ticket 7th May! SO EXCITED!!!! And a wee bit nervous....

Currently, I'm a 31 year old Publicist (Film/TV/Personal), from Northern Ireland originally but I've been living in London for the past 10 or more years. Its been great... Its been fun... Its been a blast... But my shelf life has expired and I'm DESPERATE for a change, so I'm selling as many of my belongings as possible and heading out to Ibiza to make a new life for myself.

I will be looking for a publicity/PR job so thought that I'd begin by trying my luck here first as I don't know anyone on the island. I'll be getting together my CV along with a creds document over the next few weeks and will begin putting myself out there, but for anyone who might be interested, you can take a look at what kind of stuff I do here (PR section only).

My experience has been in mainly in Film & TV, but my skills are easily transferable to any 'entertainment' led PR i.e. clubs, bars, festivals, events etc

So as well as a job I'll be looking for a place to live on the island. Clearly from reading the forum its more economical to share (plus I like being around people :)), so if anyone is out there who is a little bit more 'mature' in age, and raving days have been replaced by festivals, pub/winebar visits (I appreciate a nice cocktail or glass of wine as much as I like the dirty, dingy bars that you have to wipe your feet on the way out of) and is interested in sharing, give me a holler!

See you all on the island!

Big love,
Leah x