

New Member
Just a qick one, have any of the previous Ibiza workers on this site ever failed to find accomodation and had to go home?

Just wondering! I know its a silly question! :(
it has probably happened, though at a guess i would have thought a job is harder to get...there are always hotels if the worst came to the worst
Howie said:
Just a qick one, have any of the previous Ibiza workers on this site ever failed to find accomodation and had to go home?

Just wondering! I know its a silly question! :(

God yes! :eek:

I get emails about accommodation (and lack of) more than anything. Unfortunetly there is usually a shortage of good accomodation and it does take some looking and asking around.

Quite often however work comes with accommodation of some sort.

I have known people to go home because they didn't have accommodation though. I had problems in the past myself. Its probably a little easier in San An, which is fair enough if you want to work in that sort of atmosphere. Personally I would go for Ibiza Town though for the better nightlife and lack of yob culture, true Ibiza. It can be more difficult there.
Nah, ur best bet mate is to get accommodation over t'internet for 1-2 days, so u know u have somewhere to stay, then its easy to find accomodation somewhere in san an. If nothin in da ship, u literally need to walk around nearlly every hotel/hostel/apts etc asking for somewhere to stay. Even ask behind the bars. I had to do that my first year (2002), Got a place for a week above the welsh bar, then sumin came up in the ship, laughed all the way to the bank....
As long as you can pay then there's always accomodation to find...ship-inn is full of notes with people looking for roomates etc.