Accommodation Question ?


Active Member
I arrive in ibiza on the 2nd June to work for most of the season.

I want to find a flat / appartment share with people who are also working the season.

Where is the best place to look once on the island? Anyone ever done the same thing and able to offer advice?
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never worked out there before but i am this season from the midle of july onwards :evil:...

anyway best place to go is the ship inn in the west end... near the top behind subway i think... they have a notice board full of accomadation adverts and job offers too

there is thousands of people that have done the same on there own...

take plenty of money... like £1500 so you are ok for a bit without accom or a job

ermm other advice ...enjoy yourself and give your right leg for club passes esp for space!


cheers richard, ive heard the ship inn is the place to go in San An. Am considering staying in Playa den Bossa though.

See u at WLS ! :D
Would also like to add - How easy is it to actually get a flat share with people? Are they advertised in the Ship as well? Starting to fret a bit about not being able to get a flat share when I get there.

Would also like to add - How easy is it to actually get a flat share with people? Are they advertised in the Ship as well? Starting to fret a bit about not being able to get a flat share when I get there.


dunno if they're advertised in the ship, but you'll meet many other workers straight away which are looking for flatmates as you are. really, don't worry!
Im in the same boat amnesiac. From the sound of it alot of others will be too. More fun and exciting!!

Off topic. Im driving down from London, I no that generally in Europe parking is alot less restricted than the UK, if anyone has also driven down in the past what is the parking like in San An / PDB? I imagine it is generally free??:D
acomodation Ibiza 08

Hi! we are 2 spanish girls 25 years old who want to go to ibiza to work and clubbing from may to september.We are now living in London.
We would like tofind english people to share a flat with and then , we could help you with thespanish tramits and language and we could carry on improving our english.
Our idea is torent a flat and enjoy the summer in Ibiza together. Would be nice!!
Someone interested??? :)
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Hi! we are 2 spanish girls 25 years old who want to go to ibiza to work and clubbing from may to september.We are now living in London.
We would like tofind english people to share a flat with and then , we could help you with thespanish tramits and language and we could carry on improving our english.
Our idea is torent a flat and enjoy the summer in Ibiza together. Would be nice!!
Someone interested??? :)

Hey yaiza,

I'm going to Ibiza soon enough, probably next week, by myself. My name is Kyle. 22 years old. I speak english and spanish fluently. Still need to look for job and a flat. Let me know if ur interested. Caio.
Heyyy! Im off ouy there on the 17th June - Im meeting 2 friends out there, which are flying out on the 1st - If you fancy getting a 4bed flat (which is considerably cheaper than a 3bed flat) then get in contact - - anyone else wishing to add to give advice or looking for questions then please add, the more ibiza-ariens the better, Knowledge is wisdom as they say! haha