Accom. wanted in Playa D´en Bossa!!!


New Member
Just posting to see if anyone´s looking for flatmates here in Bossa or anywhere nearby.... 2 girls looking for a place to live for 1-2 months!!
Please let us know if you´ve got anything!!!

hey ! me (male) +2-4 girls will be looking from 1st july for long term accom - dont mind where - would prefer pdb thou. Im waiting to hear back from someone already on the isle looking for accom. When are you on the island? r u there now?
hey guys!
Im out in Bossa right now, and apartments are IMPOSSIBLE to find!!! We even spent 2 entire days looking thru Eivissa & Figueretas... Looks like San An is the only place where apts are still somewhat available (even hard there!!) We´re still looking til Sat, but then I guess it´s back to San An!!!!
Good luck!!
hey, so whats the accom like there now? ill be there from 1st july and just wanted to know if itll just be a 8day holiday as apposed to 2month working hioliday
There's accom out here, but you just REALLY have to dig for it!!! There's still loads going in San An, but Im not really keen on living on that side... I have a place at the moment, but looking to move as it's not affordable for me, based on what Im earning! lol
I've seen some ads for places available in Santa Eularia and in Ibiza Town, but really dont wanna trek up that far either...The only solution is to just book a hotel for a full week or so, andlook, I guess!!!