Accom WANTED ASAP (from 13/14th)

are you still looking for roomies?

hey steve,

its Lisa, chrissi's mate, we were staying at bon sol pdb cpl weeks ago...where are you staying at the mo then hun? i had a bit of a nightmare finding somewhere so iv returned home for a week or 2 :spank:and am coming back with a mate, so then i have another person with me to share apartment etc. so if you still need somewhere, let me know, as it'll be easier and cheaper looking to share with 3. ive been looking into hostels, as a few of them, you pay per room or apartment, which works out cheaper...

Lisa x 8)
hiya, yeh i came home as well - i extended my stay at bon sol by 4 nights thinking in that time i would actually bother to look for work but i didnt! got home and got a couple of texts from people i met saying they had a room going for like 300euros per month (until end sep / early oct) but this was too late - im contemplating going back but no idea if this will be soon or not - have you booked flights back etc? is it all confirmed?

nt sure about hostels - think it woudl work out more expensive? do you plan to work?
poss flying out 29th july

hey mate, im thinking of going back out the 29th july. i wouldv been flying out this wknd, but my mates got me a ticket for arctic monkeys, and realy wanna go and see them before on 28th, but i dont know. my mate is going out this sat 21st and wants me to go with him so we can both look for work/ accom together, so i may have to do that. im looking thru flights etc now, and gonna be booking sth as cheap as poss in nxt cpl days.

im basically planning on staying out til 2nd week in sept latest, so may do casual work, but mainly just chilling. i know, hostels etc are gonna be more expensive then sharing a flat or whatever, but theres just been no word of anything like that, so i think hostels are only option, which can work out cheap if sharing a room.

iv just noticed theres a guy (overload) who's posted about a room going today, but i just called him, and he's actually leaving today, and needs the money and everything before he goeS!! so its a shame we're not out there, as id have snapped that up!!

where do you live? cos if you wanted to, we could fly back out together, and then there'd be 3 of us looking to share which'd be better.

my numbers 0797 621 3053 give us a txt or sth if you wanna sort sth out?

take care,
Lisa x
i live in southampton, prob fly from gatwick or, depending if loads cheaper, luton. But still not totally sure whether i can afford to go or, n with the uk job offers im getting but, im pinning for bora bora :(

so yar,,,, let me know where when exactly u fly out and or get there, n ill keep u posted on my whereabouts. Maybe eivissa wud be gd place to stay
elvissa would be nice, but not cheap i wouldn't have thought. im basically gonna book a hostel for a week to begin with, get there and look hard, ask around and yea, look at other places, ive heard las salinas has a hostel which is cheapish, not sure. Like i said we'll be out there the end of july, so you have my no if you wanna join forces...

Lisa xxx