a spanish translation please...


Active Member
So I'm getting a tattoo somewhere on my body of some sketched music notes, with the words Love Music underneath... however, I want the words Love Music in spanish. I have checked online translators and its coming back as Musica del Amor.

Does this make sense? I would love to hear back from a spanish speaker to see how it should be written as two simple words.

It would really be appreciated :)

Angela xx
Iv just got basic Spanish, but I do know that Musica del Amor is grammatically incorrect for the meaning you want.

There are plenty on here that will give you the correct translation.
how about: simply "encanto la musica" or "encantar musica".

And what do you mean Love Music. You mean that love is a verb that you love music or just Love and music.
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What about 'love the music' I don't want 'I' preceeding it if possible.

any more suggestions?

Thank you so far though....
Love the music ...........................Ama la Musica and as previously quoted
Love Music..................................Amor Musica.:):):):):)

Si. Muchos gracias amigo.

And just to be sure, you are being serious? Sometimes I struggle to distinguish the jokers! :-)
Si. Muchos gracias amigo.

And just to be sure, you are being serious? Sometimes I struggle to distinguish the jokers! :-)

To my knowledge yes.
I quite agree though, its quite a large undertaking to be reliant on threads from many persons not sure/unsure and Spanish/English translations.