6th quiz of 2006


Super Moderator

where exactly can you find these stairs :?:
in the capital of Ibiza

Ibiza town...one of the choices for pedestrians to get into Dalt Vila - and the only choice for vehicles :lol:
they look so good...and smell so bad.

Hey Mac, you took that picture when the stairs just had been washed down - that's why they look good.
...only choice at the moment ....

McRackin said:

a couple of years ago the "in" traffic to Dalt Vila went up the ramp and over the draw bridge...kind of chasing the crowds strolling around there :roll: , always fun to watch the drivers trying to get the sharp left turn (especially beverage trucks)to continue upwards.... and the "out" traffic came down..see photo.

are there some photos of these "good" old times on the bottom of your archives Mac ?
checking the McArchives at the moment.....


..... here you have a picture of a beverage truck instead (!) taken near kumharas:


are there some photos of these "good" old times on the bottom of your archives Mac ?

Well, patiently waiting for dayyyys now. What's with your archives McR? the lower department not organized :twisted:

Kathy :?
there´s a solution for every problem.... :-))

just let me know the hours you need help, how big the mess is and the pay :D

ssssshhhhh!! :oops: :lol: :oops:

as some of you know already, theres a barrier and a guardian controlling the cars down there because only the people who live in dalt vila can enter with car.....


..... although if you know the magic word you can enter too!! :o

guardian: morning!! :roll:
McR: ________________ ;)
guardian: ah, okay!! :twisted:
McR: vrooooooooooooooooooooooooom!! :p
