6th - 9th Oct Closing Parties


Active Member
I've always timed my end of season trip based on Space closing Fiesta... :(

So this year is a sad difference!

I see some of the usual suspects have their closing parties this weekend, i.e. Ocean beach on the Friday, Amnesia on the Saturday.

I'm wondering if anyone has some insider knowledge of unannounced parties that have yet to be officially released, mainly Ushuaia which I'm assuming will be Saturday 7th and Hi which Could possibly on the 8th?

Took a chance on the flights because they were so cheap a few weeks back.


amnesia hasn´t announced its closing party yet and AFAIK it won´t be on that weekend.

but yeah, with ushuaïa and hï you might be right.
ah, yes, it's just music on closing that weekend at amnesia, seem to remember it being the Saturday after space closing last year.

Time will tell!


My visit is same time as you salty, I'm holding fire on buying tickets just yet as line up for second night of music on closing not released yet
Will be there 5-11. Solomun + Recondite at destino and probably a little of Keep on Dancing at heart, Music on closing, circo loco closing.
Off topic slightly but this raises a grammatical issue I've always been intrigued by; when people say "I'm going Mambos" "We going Solomun" When did the "to" go from the sentence? I've noticed it for years but wondered what the origin was. I know, coming from Northern Ireland I've got a cheek to question anyone's use of slang / language but I am genuinely interested in this nice little quirk.
Its not a work email! cant be arsed to use proper grammar, spelling etc on forums;)

Surely it's more effort to have to think about typing something incorrectly if you know the correct spelling?

If English is your first language, then there's little excuse for not using proper grammar and punctuation ;)