3am Landing -- What to do!?


New Member

First time coming to Ibiza and we're flying out of Gatwick late on Aug 21 and will be landing at 3am (Aug 22)

Any ideas what we can do at this time??

If it was the early naughties I'd say this is the perfect arrival time for amnesia but no dancing the sun up kids...It's the law. :rolleyes:
...happened to me a few times, even earlier for me at 1am arrival. Leave your bags at the hotel and go out until the bars close. I guess you won't be able to check in til 11? or so, if you are in San Antonio, there was a bar/pub called "sun and moon" which is now the "Willow tree". The "sun and moon" used to open at 6am and served english breakfasts, but don't know if it's carried on with the new owners sorry... Anyways, first year it happened to me I didn't know what to do so just stayed on the beach til 10am...
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Hey guys thanks for the ideas....what's the deal with afterhours parties...they're like hard to find or? I'm guessing that's why we got a killer deal out of London because I have to land at 3am haha no worries better early than late. I guess I'll just kick it until last call and then see what kind of stragglers I can run into.

Thanks again! Big upps from Detroit.
Go to the club and shut it down.

I was in one club with music still blazing one morning this year at 8, one until 730, so you could possibly get a couple of hours in.
Hate to sound like an old man but on the day I land I would probs prefer to get the hotel sorted , maybe catch a drink somewhere then crashout and get a full day down the beach tomorrow
Hate to sound like an old man but on the day I land I would probs prefer to get the hotel sorted , maybe catch a drink somewhere then crashout and get a full day down the beach tomorrow

i'd agree with this option, since your arriving on a saturday i reckon just get the hotel sorted and get a good nights sleep up early to hit the beach and you'll be fresh for the ensuing madness on sunday/monday (we love/dc10/cocoon) providing thats what you're into
i'd agree with this option, since your arriving on a saturday i reckon just get the hotel sorted and get a good nights sleep up early to hit the beach and you'll be fresh for the ensuing madness on sunday/monday (we love/dc10/cocoon) providing thats what you're into

I'm tempted to either crash out and chill, or to just have at since we are only staying Sunday and Monday night ya know? I have to fly out early Tuesday morning to Berlin. Decisions decisions.... maybe I'll just hit Cafe Ole or something since I'm staying near by.

Anyone ever been to that Cafe Ole at Space?
cafe ole is a gay night by the way i believe mate? id just go to a few bars and get on it the next day for some sunday madness!!
Hmm... I think I'll just hit the bars till they close and then rest for we love.

Are there bars in PdB? or do I need to go somewhere else?