30th birthday present ideas


Active Member
I've got a mate's 30th coming up and we're all looking to chip in and get him something nice. He's mad on sport, real ale and rock music.

Can any of the men on the board recommend something that he'd love? A day out, gig/concert, sporting event?? :?:

Any suggestions appreciated! :D
I've got a mate's 30th coming up and we're all looking to chip in and get him something nice. He's mad on sport, real ale and rock music.

Can any of the men on the board recommend something that he'd love? A day out, gig/concert, sporting event?? :?:

Any suggestions appreciated! :D

Other than football, the biggest sporting event coming up in London in the coming months is the ATP World Tour finals at the O2.. Rafa, Murray, Djokovic and Federer all qualifed, i'd love a ticket for that (might have sold out though)
How soon? If it's while the weather's good, book him a parachute jump and you can all go and watch him before heading out on the p1ss. 8)
How soon? If it's while the weather's good, book him a parachute jump and you can all go and watch him before heading out on the p1ss. 8)

Bingo! Just spoke to his gf who has confirmed he'd love to do this (crazy fool!)

Got any decent recommendations for places in/around London?
Bingo! Just spoke to his gf who has confirmed he'd love to do this (crazy fool!)

Got any decent recommendations for places in/around London?

Think mine was in Basingstoke, my (then) missus booked it through Red Letter days.

There's probably one Essex side of London if you pal is East like you guys....
Really? If someone got me that as a present I'd never speak to them again :)

Hmmm - show someone you love them - have them jump out of a plane :lol:.

Depends on the recipient I guess - first jump I did was alone & completely unplanned .. was curious and rocked up to a centre in Portugal to get information and ended up in full-on freefall about an hour later having been talked into it by some really nice Germans who just made me feel completely safe.

With no hoo-ha, no time to have 2nd thoughts and perfect conditions I absolutely loved it (8)) and never looked back after that. The one rare time I regretted not getting the video done :(.. but most of them give you a certificate at the end :).

I'm sure the look of horror and realization about what was about to happen on my face when sat by that open door with 14,000ft of sky between my dangling feet and the ground would have been completely priceless. Honestly just kept thinking of the 200-odd Euros I'd got myself down the chute for and went for it !!

Don't know anyone who's gone ahead with a tandem jump and regretted it - opens up a whole new world :). It really is a great gift idea unless someone's dead set against that sort of adventure !
Hmmm - show someone you love them - have them jump out of a plane :lol:.

Depends on the recipient I guess - first jump I did was alone & completely unplanned .. was curious and rocked up to a centre in Portugal to get information and ended up in full-on freefall about an hour later having been talked into it by some really nice Germans who just made me feel completely safe.

With no hoo-ha, no time to have 2nd thoughts and perfect conditions I absolutely loved it (8)) and never looked back after that. The one rare time I regretted not getting the video done :(.. but most of them give you a certificate at the end :).

I'm sure the look of horror and realization about what was about to happen on my face when sat by that open door with 14,000ft of sky between my dangling feet and the ground would have been completely priceless. Honestly just kept thinking of the 200-odd Euros I'd got myself down the chute for and went for it !!

Don't know anyone who's gone ahead with a tandem jump and regretted it - opens up a whole new world :). It really is a great gift idea unless someone's dead set against that sort of adventure !

You turned up at a centre in Portugal to get some information then an hour later you were free falling out a plane on your own from 14,000 feet? On your first jump? With the greatest respect.... what a load of utter bollocks. I thought you wouldn't top your story about being so hammered at a party you ended up hiring a limo and flying first class to the states and then Canada just so you could get a beer because you weren't 21 ... but that takes the piss. It's the internet and we maybe shouldn't take ourselves too seriously but i'm calling bull**** on that one and its scary that you believe some of the utter drivel you post and insulting that you think everyone else will.
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rocked up to a centre in Portugal to get information and ended up in full-on freefall about an hour later

I dont think you can do this anywhere in the world IMO, unless its a private plane like. I enquired into t aoslo dive after doing my tandem in Vegas (which I Loved Becki so its a great idea ¡for a pressie) and its a proper course with intense traning, not a 1 hour crash courese (excuse the pun) :rolleyes:
I dont think you can do this anywhere in the world IMO, unless its a private plane like. I enquired into t aoslo dive after doing my tandem in Vegas (which I Loved Becki so its a great idea ¡for a pressie) and its a proper course with intense traning, not a 1 hour crash courese (excuse the pun) :rolleyes:

Just re-read what I wrote apologies .. post was completely and utterly ambiguous and misleading :rolleyes: - my fault - I meant when travelling alone i.e. without friends / family / office colleagues / sponsorship photo shoot to have to worry about letting down if I bottled it :lol:. Mind wandering off in one direction, fingers in another :oops:.

The :eek: thing was just being able to turn up and jump without booking weeks ahead not jumping on your own after 1/2 an hour of instruction :eek:.

"Crash course" was how to exit / land attached to the instructor without screwing up the exit or "crashing" you both out - about 1/2 an hour - and another 1/2 getting into the plane, up to height and jumping... then a bit of playing about with the parachute flying on the way down if you're lucky and your instructor allows it.

'Full on freefall' happens whether you're attached to an instructor on a tandem jump or not .. the tandem is a great way to experience the jump with the minimum of time/money investment.

If you want to jump solo on your 1st time you can but do indeed need a fair bit more prior training (and budget) :!: .. you are 'accompanied' though not attached to an instructor when you exit the plane. You can qualify to jump solo in 2-3 days by following the AFF (accelerated freefall) route. Static line approach takes a bit longer I think.

As to the original typo / ambiguity .. well, I'll leave in the original mistake to show that nobody's perfect (thank heavens :rolleyes:) nor (from DelMarSunset's post above) everyone's cup of tea either.

Anhow, thanks pulling me up on the poor communication on this one, so a clarification could be posted. Previous posts on other topics stand without amendment, further clarification or apology (yet :confused: !!) ;). It's the internet indeed and people are free to believe whatever they like... and fortunately, I have since developed enough self-control not to repeat some of my :rolleyes: antics of 17 years ago :).

Sorry to impose on your thread with all that, Beckiboo - but thought it better to answer the points made properly. Think it's an awesome prezzie idea and I'm sure he'll have an absolute blast.
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The thread took an interesting turn, the one upmanship got called out. The tandem jump idea for a present is great. The solo first jump won't happen;)
@ Kimajy, So,how many re-edits is that now ?
Classic Max Clifford style damage limitation...
Are you in PR ?
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The thread took an interesting turn, the one upmanship got called out. The tandem jump idea for a present is great. The solo first jump won't happen;)

Solo 1st jump won't happen unless you've booked on the AFF and are highly motivated (or in the forces !) - certainly not on a red letter day !!

:confused: - not intended on my part .. is that how it came across ?