3 Non-Clubbing days in October


Active Member
Hello strangers!

Can anybody recommend a nice beach / resort to stay in for a few days in early October (not PDB / San An / Ibiza Town).

I'm hoping to stay somewhere I've never seen before, a side of Ibiza I've not yet seen (which should be easy seeing as I've only ever seen the commercial bits!).

However, I don't want it to be like a ghost town being out of peak season. I thought about Santa Eualia but I'm not sure it's going to be that different from Ibiza Town / Talamanca...

Any recommendations?
santa eularia is probably a pretty good choice for what you're looking for becki. of course I recommend you to get a car and check out the beaches north of SE, there are some beautiful ones!!
Thanks all. What will Portinatx be like in the first week of October? Worth spending a couple of days there?