29th Feb....Proposals


Well-Known Member
What does everyone think about this, where it is the one day where it is deemed ok for a woman to propose to her other half.

I must have seen at least 30 tweets, fb statuses from women saying that any woman who does this is a complete idiot as it's a mans job.
There are plenty of things men have always deemed to be a womans job...now it's incorrect to think this way....

Anyone been proposed to or been the 'idiot' and done the deed themselves?
Did anyone see the Wedding Proposal on Ch4 a few weeks ago? A woman proposed to her boyfriend on that because it was a leap year and he had had some major illness or something recently and she wanted to show him she wanted to be with him forever. I thought it was quite sweet. Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic though.

I don't think I'd ever propose to a man though - fear of rejection!
As my fb status stated yesterday, a woman who proposes to a bloke is a complete mug, its a mans job so leave it to him.

If he is really THAT into you then he will do it in his own time, if not, then get the hint your man just isnt romantic or just into that into you :lol:
Are you wearing a dress today? :lol:

Not today no...but it's not unheard of. :lol:

It's the ancient way after all: there's no better therapy than to discover your shadow feminine side. (nor does it mean you've got some western gender dismorphic disease)

Everyone's got a girrrrl strutting around inside 'em. :lol:
I'll go for a girl strutting around on top of me...

Us Scots are known to wear skirts... they're called kilts. :lol: