260 grand to lose a few frames of snooker? You bet I would..


New Member
So here's the deal...

John Higgins is as guilty as charged - its obvious. But what really makes me sick is everyone banging on about him being a disgrace, should be stripped of title etc. Just to be clear, these were for 4 frames from separate tournaments so most likely he would win the matches anyway just losing the odd frame.

Lets be honest, bookies have been ripping people off for years and everyone knows they price fix or 'odds-fix' with each other to benefit the industry as a whole so for one guy to lose a few frames of snooker to bag over a quarter of a million wheres the big deal? The illegal gamblers wouldn't even make a dent to the amount of money these bookies make - I just don't see the panic?

Those ****ers at goldman sachs, wall street etc are all out for themselves and they haven't even got a skill, so why not make some money for your own family by playing a bit of snooker badly....
So here's the deal...

John Higgins is as guilty as charged - its obvious. But what really makes me sick is everyone banging on about him being a disgrace, should be stripped of title etc. Just to be clear, these were for 4 frames from separate tournaments so most likely he would win the matches anyway just losing the odd frame.

Lets be honest, bookies have been ripping people off for years and everyone knows they price fix or 'odds-fix' with each other to benefit the industry as a whole so for one guy to lose a few frames of snooker to bag over a quarter of a million wheres the big deal? The illegal gamblers wouldn't even make a dent to the amount of money these bookies make - I just don't see the panic?

Those ****ers at goldman sachs, wall street etc are all out for themselves and they haven't even got a skill, so why not make some money for your own family by playing a bit of snooker badly....

There is no panic, you've seen the NOW headline and taken it as the word on the street.

It is sad though, particularly if you feel sport can play a massive role in inspiring people, kids & be a vehicle through which certain values can be transmitted.

Call me naive (or affected by overly positive personal experience) but I do.

If you want to hold it alongside the 'greed' of the 'bankers' (and it's not that simple) or the bookies playing everyone - then fair enough, but we should not.

I'd hope sport aspired to operate to a healthier set of values. And as a champion sportsman he should embody at least the very basics & not throw games.

And that ignores the commercial reality of sponsors, tainted brands etc for which alone they could prob be justified in chucking him out of the game.

IF HE DID IT THO. NEED TO HEAR THE REST OF THAT TAPE. Agreeing to do something v different from doing it of course.
sorry but your post didn't make a lot of sense to me

your argument seems to be some people in the City are crooked and bookies are dodgy therefore it's ok to have corrupt snooker players too


dunno bout everyone else but seems to me you're making excuses for cheating...
There is no panic, you've seen the NOW headline and taken it as the word on the street.

It is sad though, particularly if you feel sport can play a massive role in inspiring people, kids & be a vehicle through which certain values can be transmitted.

Call me naive (or affected by overly positive personal experience) but I do.

If you want to hold it alongside the 'greed' of the 'bankers' (and it's not that simple) or the bookies playing everyone - then fair enough, but we should not.

I'd hope sport aspired to operate to a healthier set of values. And as a champion sportsman he should embody at least the very basics & not throw games.

And that ignores the commercial reality of sponsors, tainted brands etc for which alone they could prob be justified in chucking him out of the game.

IF HE DID IT THO. NEED TO HEAR THE REST OF THAT TAPE. Agreeing to do something v different from doing it of course.

A good argument - well made!

I agree that we shouldn't chuck the towel in when these scandals surface and use the 'well if you can't beat them - join them' discussion...John Higgins is a great player who has made a fair few million over the past few years - I just see the lynching as a form of scapegoating for the profession to use as an excuse to punish a presumably wide spread problem...I'm assuming the NOTW set it up with the intention of someone falling for it...

....I just get the feeling that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones..honestly, if someone offered you 260 grand for failing a few frames - taking the halo's off for one second - if you thought you would get away with it....would you do it???
sorry but your post didn't make a lot of sense to me

your argument seems to be some people in the City are crooked and bookies are dodgy therefore it's ok to have corrupt snooker players too


dunno bout everyone else but seems to me you're making excuses for cheating...

Sorry for confusing you...

The purpose of my argument Olly is to play 'Devil's Advocate' and to suggest that human weakness surrounds all sports and business - but in this instance, perspective seems to go out of the window..

What do you think?
.I'm assuming the NOTW set it up with the intention of someone falling for it...

I find it pretty disgusting that they even set out to achieve this story.

Although Higgins is an amazing snooker player ans should never have agreed to it. Like you said he's made millions from his talent to why risk this kid of thing happening for a 1/4 million + change.
well why didnt he tell the governing body straight after he got back from this meeting?

and if he was worried if it were the Russian Mafia, he's hardly going to be safe in the UK.

no smoke without fire...
I find it pretty disgusting that they even set out to achieve this story.

Although Higgins is an amazing snooker player ans should never have agreed to it. Like you said he's made millions from his talent to why risk this kid of thing happening for a 1/4 million + change.

they clearly had info that if they set up the meet, he would be acceptable to the fix

higgins is finished now - even if he gets back into snooker - any mistake in the future will be regarded as "perhaps he meant to miss..."
