24th - 27th July 2013 - Looking for a girl to share a room/holiday with ASAP!


New Member
Hi my names Suzanne and i'm from Derbyshire, England. I'm looking to book a holiday on last minute.com and it looks cheaper if i share (i got the price down to £289 each all inclusive including clubs and water bottles) for 24th-27th July 2013! All my friends and family are busy or poor so i'm looking for a girl who enjoys clubbing to meet with at Birmingham International and go on holiday with! Cream and Judgement Fridays are a must for me, as are a bit of beach and sight seeing during the day times.

Get in touch ASAP so we can book! :lol:
Hi, my name is Tanya. I'm a female from Birmingham. I really want to go to Ibiza and I have no-one to go with and I do not want to pay double for a room for myself. The only problem is I want to go in August around the 7th of August. Please reply for your plans.