2011 season

first dates usually come in feb and then slowly and steadily the calendar is filling up. normally, by april you have all the important details.
The clubbing calender has been basically the same for the last x years what comes to my interests. So I can pretty much tell where I'm going next year already.
rumour is that the clubs are closing for 2011 to all refresh/rebrand.

that was this year

all reviews are faked
pics/videos are staged and made in a room in Bristol
all calendar entries are randomly generated using the Spotlight supercomputer

next year they all re-open
with the soon to be annual "club night tombola" on May 1st
think of the possibilities...

Clubland at Pacha, Cocoon in Es Paradis and We Love... in Summum

that was this year

all reviews are faked
pics/videos are staged and made in a room in Bristol
all calendar entries are randomly generated using the Spotlight supercomputer

next year they all re-open
with the soon to be annual "club night tombola" on May 1st
think of the possibilities...

Clubland at Pacha, Cocoon in Es Paradis and We Love... in Summum


love it, the fun would never end, DC10 at pure platinum!
we know we're goiing next year but don't know what month so want a rough idea of who's going when so we can take the appropriate dates off work!

cheers guys!
2011 Line ups

Come on Mckrackin, you must have an idea of next years fun !!! get a new 2011 thread opened up.