2011 Openings Questions


Active Member
Looking at going to a few openings at the end of May.

Will be going on Friday 27th. I see that Cadenza and DC10 are on 29th and 30th so will go to those.

I also see that Space is on the 29th, what is the likely time this will start? Also are Space not opening on the saturday as they did in 2010.

Any info/advice would be greatly appreciated

no, space is just a one day opening this year. hit space early and then head to cadenza later on in the night :D
Thanks for your replies.

What are the chance of anything being on on the friday and saturday?

Also should of asked, what are the prices like? never been to the openings, normally can only go in August so just trying to get an idea for drink and ticket prices.

Thanks Again
drinks prices are the same throughout the season. ticket prices for the openings will be the same as high season.
If memory serves there was a kiSS party at Sands with Tania Vulcano on the Friday last year?? I was at Sands, but then we went elsewhere and only afterwards did I find out Tania + other Circo Loco residents showed up.

Is it likely similar events will be occurring this year? I'm doing Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon. Obviously Sun and Mon are covered by Space and DC-10 but hoping Ushuaia opening will be on the Sat (or that something will be going on at the old location) and that Sands + other places can keep me occupied on the Thu and Fri..