Bambuddah Grove
Blue Marlin
Otherwise generally stay away from San Antonio (except for Kanya or Itaka) and go to San Rafael and Eivissa.
All above-mentioned great but you need to get the night right if the music matters - check out 'alternatives to the clubs' and 'gossip' threads on this forum right up to the time you go out and whilst there if you can - McRackin gets more than enough on there to keep you 'in the know'.
You have contradicted yourself as you recomended Hed Kandi, Cafe Mambo, Savannah along with Kanya and Itaka all of which are located in San Antonio.
Add in Villa Mercedes, Ibiza Rocks, Golden Buddha, La Torre, Sunsets, and a number of great restaurants and beaches in the area and you will find that San An is not all that bad
He's absolutely right you know .. and I've got to put some words in for it here. San An is a much maligned place and might be something of a caricature of itself at times, but Ibiza would not be Ibiza without it. Reckon it deserves to get a proper going over, especially if you've missed the last 8 years.
The pedestrian area with fountains behind Paseo del Mar in particular can have a really nice atmosphere in the evening and walking the promenade from the beach at Calo d'es Molo right down to Savannah's at Sunset is a must, regardless of whether you stop for a drink or a pre-party at one of the sunset bars (which I'd highly recommend doing.. look in on them all - they're so close together anyway). If you see a local walking their dog - smile and say 'Hola !'

.. they'll really appreciate your manners, as bound to be well and truly sick and tired of tourists by then !
A walk (bar crawl ?

) along Av. Dr Fleming all the way from the Egg roundabout (where Hed Kandi & Plastik bars are - townside) past the iconic slingshot, across the street and along the seafront promenade as far as Tulp, via Ibiza Rocks bar, Itaca, Linekers etc. is also an essential San An experience.
The West End proper is more controversial and I wouldn't recommend driving around there at night if you don't know your way around it really well (rabbit-warren of 1-way narrow streets and pedestrians careering out of every doorway in front of the car all the way

). But I'd go look anyway after 2am for the experience, and dive for cover into Viva or Hush if it gets too much or a really bad brawl kicks off. The impression it all makes is vivid

and unforgettable

Arguably nowhere else on the island is there a greater concentration of people of various ages so
overtly hell-bent on having the time of their lives, each in their own particular way. The kids aren't with you this trip so you can happily soak up the raw exuberance and joy

of the early 20s bregade who are out there in droves, in the sunshine or on a warm evening, enjoying themselves

and making their own mistakes

, to build cherished Ibiza memories for years to come 8). Especially up to about 1am, before all the heavy drinking steadily shifts the mood to a slightly messier one !
and PS - outside San An, if you're into Jazz then there's a good place in Santa Eulalia at the entre dos aguas Restaurant called Cafe del Jazz. The Jazz festival is usually early September so you may miss it, however the venue will most likely still provide a contrast to the dance music scene.