2 Ibiza Virgin's Need Help!


New Member
Hi everyone

Well in 88 days and 6 hours (not that im counting!!) I will be on my way to Ibiza. I get there 2:05am on Sunday 16th and will be staying for one week. I am also celebrating my 25th birthday on the Monday so plan on having a week long celebration. The only problem is – I have no idea where to go, what to do …. Can anyone help?

I am going over with a friend and we are staying at the Bergantin in San Antonio Bay. Although we plan on doing a lot of partying we also want to see the Island as well. If anyone can give me any tips, hints and/or advice on where to eat, what to see and what to do I would be so grateful.

Was thinking about hiring a car for the day – is it worth it or is the public transport good?

Thanks in advance for any help and if you are over in Ibiza 16-23 September let me know and hopefully we might see you over there. Would love to make loads of new friends cos from what I have heard the people are great and I will be wanting to go again next year!!

:p 8)
hi there

I live in san antonio bay, and run a pub about 300 yards from the bergantin hotel.. so any info you want no problem just pm and ask away.. when you arrive if you pop in to see me , i can point out some great places to visit on the map and give you loads of info about best restaurants ect:lol: been living here for 17 years so full of useless knowledge ha ha