1st timer doing the seasons.. any tips on accomm costs etc......


New Member
i am a female 20 year old marketing student coming to ibiza on june 1st! i have a friend coming with me as well (well i hope so anyway) has anyone got any advice on where to look for apartments for the whole season and i could only find rentals for a week or a month!

I am hoping to have found a job in Playa d´en Bossa. anyone no any tips on working over there or any contacts for space?

hope to hear from you soon! :D

my e-mail is arenders09@hotmail.com

amy x
Hi hun,

I'm 20 and live about 30 mins from Leeds! It looks like I'll be on my own so It's be good to get to know some people before going, possibly to share accommodation with? This'll be my first season working there too, I'm hoping to go mid may to get everything sorted before the carnage begins :twisted: I want to live/work in Ibiza Town/Playa d'en bossa too - I want to be as close to Space, DC10 and Bora Bora as possible!

My email address is beth_duffield@hotmail.com add me to messenger if you want to chat! xxxxx

i live in leeds as well but at 24 i'm more of a seasoned campaigner!!!:oops:

i worked in ibiza 99,00 and 01 and i could write dissertations (and have done on here before) about my experiences/tips/advice/etc.

intersting you mention about living/working in PDB, as its such a small proportion of people like yourselves who actually end up getting work/accom. there. In fact, at least half of the people I knew who worked in PDB, actually lived in San An. PDB isn't geared up for dealing with workers' requirements the same way San An is.

Basically what I'm saying is that there are some jobs/places to live in PDB but not many. In terms of finding a place to stay, nearly everyone who goes out there to work for the 1st time, just sorts this out when they get there.

Beth, i went on my own the first time and after 20 mins of being dropped off in San An, I was in Bar M with another guy and 2 girls lugging a suitcase around looking a bit lost (who I found out had arrived on the same flight as me) and all of us strangers to each other just decided that we'd find a place to stay. we're still best friends more than 6 years later. SO DON'T WORRY;)

listen, every one is in pretty much the same boat, just be loud, stop and talk to everyone you meet, ask loads of questions and before you know you'll be set up somewhere with a job and most importantly, the island all around you.:D :D :D :D

(i'll try and dig up some old posts that are a bit longer and might have some other tips i can't think of now)
If you put a search in google for ibiza accommodation agents you should find sites that rent accommodation for the summer season.
i am a female 20 year old marketing student coming to ibiza on june 1st! i have a friend coming with me as well (well i hope so anyway) has anyone got any advice on where to look for apartments for the whole season and i could only find rentals for a week or a month!

I am hoping to have found a job in Playa d´en Bossa. anyone no any tips on working over there or any contacts for space?

hope to hear from you soon! :D

my e-mail is arenders09@hotmail.com

amy x
hi you guys, im 27yo guy from Belfast, and im hoping to fly to the island at the end of may, anybody else have the same plan as myself, ie, landing there, without a clue wat to do, and hunting for accommodation and work, before the party starts, but good to hear from any other likeminded buds, cheers, and hope to see u all soon, let the crazy capers begin lol