14 shot dead at Batman Premier?!?!

The sick jokes have already started on this one. Some people just have no empathy anymore:spank:
Whenever I hear of something like this, my second reaction is always one of amazement that America does nothing about gun control.
Whenever I hear of something like this, my second reaction is always one of amazement that America does nothing about gun control.

Its enshrined in their constitution the right to have a gun....goes back to the
wild west days.

It would take a very, very brave or stupid politician to try and change it. Not going to happen in our lifetimes anyay.
^ I know that. But without proper gun control you can expect some sort of shooting incident every few months. Crazy.
Its enshrined in their constitution the right to have a gun....goes back to the wild west days.
No, before that. We didn't have the wild west at that point, just the 13 colonies!

The idea was that if the government ever became despotic (i.e. England's rule of the colonies), then a "well-regulated militia" could rise up and take power back for the people. Or else just defend the country against invaders since we didn't have much of an army. But you get the idea.

That's all outdated now, but the gun lobby is so strong you'd never even see a constitutional amendment make it out of congressional committee much less be put to a vote by the states!
I am pro gun and think the second amendment of the constitution is correct in giving Americans the right to bear arms. Things have gone way too far with assault weapons and high capacity magazines. Just like for driving and other things, there should be limits on who and how many guns a person should own. There should also be a psych eval on people that purchase guns. The gun sellers (read gun lobby) hammer politicians who put forth gun legislation. There are too many guns in the USA legal and illegal. Just sad, my heart goes out to the victims and their families.
This guy turned out to be some psycho. To shoot a 6 year old child dead at point blank range and booby trap his apartment to randomly kill whoever opened the door was just evil....and to look at the guy he was just a normal bloke with no previous history of crime