Women in dance music...discuss!

Paulette’s book has been released this week. Not read it yet but hopefully will do soon.

“Here she tells her story, offering a remarkable view of the music industry from a Black woman’s perspective. Behind the core values of peace, love, unity and respect, dance music is a world of exclusion, misogyny, racism and classism. But, as Paulette reveals, it is also a space bursting at the seams with powerful women. Part personal account, part call to arms, Welcome to the club exposes the exclusivity of the music industry while seeking to do justice to the often invisible women who keep the beat going.”
This podcast popped up in my feed today.
A look at electronic music in Iran, mainly focused on women. An interesting listen.
Also a short documentary I haven’t had chance to watch yet
Mrak from tale of us accused of sexual assault 😯
I'm in the always believe the woman camp.

Her social media post saying he's a Satanist and wanted to create a demon inside her and all the stuff about AI and the Afterlife logo being an upside-down cross etc, isn't going to do much for her credibility. Best to park all that, report to police and submit the medical evidence and other evidence she references.
Mrak from tale of us accused of sexual assault 😯
I was very surprised by this. I love Afterlife and I have my first ever show booked for France in August (although I am doing Anyma on the Sunday night and not Mrak on the Saturday).
I wonder if this will affect the brand and the dates they have planned for the summer… if people will boycott Afterlife? It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
I was very surprised by this. I love Afterlife and I have my first ever show booked for France in August (although I am doing Anyma on the Sunday night and not Mrak on the Saturday).
I wonder if this will affect the brand and the dates they have planned for the summer… if people will boycott Afterlife? It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Nobody will boycott afterlife lol.

People who boycott (like me) boycott because of the music they play. As stated above, she needs to go to the police with the evidence she has and she lost me at the satanist stuff and i believe woman 99% of the time because it is such a difficult thing to come forward to mentally.
It'll most likely have the same consequences as for Guy Gerber. None! That douche got a residency again and people celebrate him. :confused:
It'll most likely have the same consequences as for Guy Gerber. None! That douche got a residency again and people celebrate him. :confused:
Same as the predator from Glasgow. Yet Ten Walls posts on fb and gets cancelled.

You won’t be seeing Puff Daddy in any dj booths ever again.
It'll most likely have the same consequences as for Guy Gerber. None! That douche got a residency again and people celebrate him. :confused:
Or you know, it could be all made up bs that many of these cases are. And the woman faces literally no consequences for ruining a persons life.

Best to wait for things to work through the judicial system.
By your own link the range for false accusations runs from 2-10%.

The VAST majority, 90+% are not false or made up. Statements and attitudes reflecting these kinds of falsehoods directly leads to victims not coming forward due to unsubstantiated crap like this.

When did I say the majority are made up? I said that it happens all the time, particularly against men that have money or power, which 2-10% shows that it does…..that is not rare. There are no falsehoods with that.

False accusations can be incredibly damaging and should carry a much harsher penalty.