What exactly is going on with Gatecrasher?

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Of course they faces difficulties but tring to cheat people (showing old flyer which 8 dj on that night but 4 of them get act) cant acceptable.
We're back in San An this week to launch a series of parties at a brand new venue which is powered by Void Soundsytem. Located at the back of Gatecrasher and operating as a separate club, this intimate venue is set to become one of the best in the area. Joining us this Friday are:

Holly Lester
Oliver Reggae
Fraser Stuart b2b Ryan Daniel Connolly
Josh Haiez
Roger 'White Trash' Neville
Mvson Collective: Omar Guedar, Blair Suarez, Adam Myles
Andy Raeside

Open: 11pm - Very Late

Entry, as always is free and we've got cheap drinks deals set up for workers.


someone please explain to me what exactly is going on! :lol:
so back room is now XXX!

Tonight running as a separate party in room 2 will be the Departure!

You'll see Bones, Holly Lester, Hutch&Mason, Oliver Barwell, Fraser Stuart, Ryan Daniel, Josh Haiez, Roger Whitetrash and MVSON Collective taking over for Ibiza's biggest workers party!

Free entry and Ibiza worker drinks prices too.
Scout Team, S.L. (“Scout Team”) is running the business of a night club under the name of Gatecrasher in the property of Majim Marina Ibiza, S.L. (“Majim”). This club is run in the property in Sant Antoni Ibiza, Spain.

Majim is owner of the abovementioned property. Furthermore, Scout Team is not the owner of the inventory and equipment as present in the building.

From various public sources (e.g. social media) Majim now understands that Scout Team as well as companies in the Gatecrasher group have obligations to various creditors that are payable.

Majim is greatly prejudiced as a result of the non performance of Scout Team of its obligations and disapproves of these practices. If Scout Team remains in default of its obligations, further action (e.g. eviction of the property) will follow on short term.
Tim Sheridan is gona lift the lid on the whole thing i just think he has to speak to all the right people and make sure its not slander first then it will be all systems go!
he's on fb but think has reached 5k ppl so harder to get hold of. If you have genuine experiences to share that may be of interest i can point i his direction (only as im fb friend nothing more). He's old school Ibiza so well respected
So mcrackin, if the gatecrasher sign was taken down yesterday. Do we expect/know if eden will be out back up and the club open for business again within the next day or two?!
That was exactly my comment on the photo mate. My guess is they some how paid some form of debt to allow them to continue for a bit longer so quickly put the sign back up
Fcuking Crooks. The way they have lied and cheated on their customers is outrageous to say the least. Ive lost all respect for the brand now and wont be entering another gatecrasher venue IF they manage to survive this latest f*** up. They should of been honest right from the start.
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