What are the trends in music&clubbing this season?

It is better to have a free party sponsored by enter, by carl cox, by marco carola, cipriani than to risk the lives of party goers in a cave somewhere.

In a word, for those who would likely go to said cave party, no ! Risk the lives of party goers ? Seriously, mate - what propaganda have you been eating for breakfast ? LOL.
I go,i have breakfast,i have lunch,ihave dinner.I dont care who`s playing where,what and when.I meet great people and have a great time.I dont go near a club or a sunset strip,i still hear the music i want to hear and i still see the sunset and rise.:) roll on october 17th-20th...
No propaganda, just think that those involved in club business and partiers have a great need for each other. I am all and up for being spontaneous but if we are talking about trends, it is trendy to have free parties and they are usually better and more well organized when the big guys are involved.
Sands, enter, the one offs at booom, destino one offs etc.
^^ Better organized than what others ? Did you go to any others that weren't ? Plan Be maybe, for example ?

Free parties at venues charging 15Euros for a mixer drink are barely different to the big clubs. Smaller venue / different vibe, probably better than big club but basically same old story ! There have been free pre-parties and one-off appearances by big DJs at places like Mambos and beach clubs etc. for years ... nothing different now to usual ?
Ok mate.

I have answered the question if you disagree then that is another story. Ok, you are argumentative and about something very irrelevant because it all comes down to choice, economic choice.

Why do people go to all inclusive hotels?
Why do people go on a budget and hit free enter parties and bring their own booze?
Are you forced to consume at free parties? Likely not.
What you are getting at is that you like non-corporate , non-commercial , non-intrusive environments . But that is something that will exist, as long as there are big ciprianis throwing free events, destinos throwing one offs etc. As long as that exist there will always be some glory hole in a cave near es vedra, which will probably have an amazing vibe. But that choice itself isn't more authentic , cooler, more real, hippy, safer etc than going to some posh place where another amazing night will happen. If anything is just more clandestin and perhaps intimate.

Up until a week ago enter threw free parties at delano, without any problems. Electricity wise.

Now I don't want to argue about this any further.
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I'm not arguing about anything I'm just highlighting the realities. It doesn't have to be a cave near Es Vedra either. You like the organized extras put out by commercial moneymen. I go too, but the point I'm trying to make is that you're getting fed what big business wants you to be fed and on their commercial terms with their Security in evidence everywhere. The alternative is crushed. There's a "herded sheep" element to the whole thing (both the punters visiting nowadays and parties themselves) which you cannot fail to pick up. The vibe is never the same as the alternatives, which you cite an extreme example of and that's all but disappeared from the island. I am not saying one is better than the other - there is room for both - I am simply pointing out that it is completely wrong to imply that the promotional extras and parties put on by big clubs have any resemblance to an 'underground scene'... big business crushed that in Ibiza in Season and did so long ago ... and today's clubbers are blinded to it. Many of them have experienced nothing meaningful of the other in any event so have no point of reference. It's no revelation .... but to suggest that a few after-parties and pre-parties bring back and underground-type scene or substitute it adequately is a partisan viewpoint. It's more an extrapolation of a Disneyland / Vegas American-style corporate brand domination which is in itself the very antithesis of the spirit of the underground.

My points are not driving at anything to do with "coolness" or image ... simply tolerance and freedom from exploitation and corporate principles. It still exists and where it does it is a rare pleasure and a welcome antidote to the often stomach-churning money extraction regime which after a while gets very distasteful and very jaded. We all know the reasons for it, politically and economically, and all accept it to our own chosen point, but it doesn't change the truth about what it is all about... and It's possible to willingly enjoy some big clubbing and organized parties without losing sight of the realities.
i just felt the need to comment here.
Some people really over analyse ibiza year after year and they really take the good out of it to be honest.

Chill people!

sophievip and craig72 have the right idea.
kimjay, I am just going to say this. Your write like a child. I have a background in economics ok. I have background in accounting. You make me laugh.

I will perhaps talk in your terms better:

" it's big business and it has been going on since the begining of time. Did somebody out there turnf off the lights ...did somebody out there turn off the lights..."

does that ring a bell tirano?
I never pretended to be anything. I did however answer the question.

And when I said, I am going to employ you as an ANT , I really meant that. So do you want the job already?
Enough of the cheek, chepito. Calm down, take a sedative and set aside your indoctrinated Western outlook on the world for a minute or two. You know exactly what I'm saying... and if you don't then you've been paying too much attention to what you've been told in your economics and accountancy classes. These have their place in the world but one is full of contradictions and the other is about economically justifying and reconciling every action in a monetary sense. Being broader minded and keeping your eye on the arts as well as the (social) sciences will do you no harm in maintaining a rounded and wholesome outlook on life ... and what goes on in the world.
I am going to call this now and throw my part in the big hat, in the future you will probably be able to do an ushuia like holiday. With complements and collaborations (colutions) from one club to another to another. So club x throws parties and even if you are not down with all the parties that they throw, they can hook you up with entry to other clubs with different nights or more "underground" nights.
Kind of like a big train ride all pre-established by one club with the collaboration of others clubs. collution, oligopoly , collaboration...even with the damn underground hippies...as long as they can purchase something and everyone makes money and has a good time. It should work. It already does with Ushuia, just a small scale. The problem with that place is the damn attitude of the people. Seriously, out of all of the clubs, they throw wicked parties. Mad mad wicked parties, very bold themes. But the people at the door need to be more wordly and know that they are big but only in an european scale...just yet.

honestly the security people need a bit of sensitivy training, the door people need to be nicer and less confrontational , uptight and so proud and the staff need to learn a thing or two from nights like elrow (sorry to say so), enter , coccoon for its longetivity and wisdom, boom for its creativity.
Your vision of the future sounds absolutley horrific to me, like some sort of package holiday or entry to a giant theme park. I for one wouldn't be buying a book of vouchers for "Matutes meets Miami". However much parts of it may try to be, Ibiza isn't America (thanks be to god). Sounds like you want a job with Matutes ... to help bring about total domination and a stranglehold on the last vestiges of competition ... and turn an entire Island over to the control of a single giant Corporation. Meanwhile all the spoils are concentrated in the hands of a couple of people and a bunch of exploitative venture capitalists with a short-term smash-and-grab mentailty. It's this very thing which needs driving off of the island not encouraged. The one thing I can assure you of is that you won't find any "underground hippies" shopping at the Matutes Mall ... they don't have the money to buy a banana ! :twisted:
I understand but this is already happening. It is not a dark view , but given that there is so much spending and competition right now. Ultimately there will be some collaboration amongs bigger players.
It alreay happened this year, I believe.
I've only got a grade D A level in Business Studies. That was obtained in 1990 and I have forgotten it all.

The only underground place I can think of which is readily available (without having to be on numerous Facebook news feeds) is Ibiza Underground. However I can identify plenty of commercial ventures, many of which are fleecing punters Royally with 23 euro drinks, 60 euro Sushi and not a smile in sight.

Will people just get fed up with it all? or will they just keep on coming?
It is not a dark view

I think it is lol.... and I'm pretty sure Pacha and the DC-10 guys amongst others might think so too !

given that there is so much spending and competition right now. Ultimately there will be some collaboration amongs bigger players.
It alreay happened this year, I believe.

Aside from the move away from club DJ exclusivity, which has been DJ-led and which may not last as everyone regroups, what other collaboration are we talking about ? Pacha's move to set up Destino for example looks more like competition than collaboration to me.

I really can't see the day when a voucher gets you entry to Pacha or Space or DC-10 (you choose) and the clubs implement some form of revenue-pooling operation like an old-fashioned European national airline operation before 5th Freedom. Can you imagine the wars that would break out and the dirty tricks that would be going on when trying to establish the numbers and carve up the 'pot' ? Any semblence of collaboration between rivals is usually short-lived and a response to market challenges because in the end, the first opportunity to move in on each others' commercial "territory" for more gain is taken.

... la la la ....

anyways, my "prediction" might be far off or irrelavant. However the mettle of the argument is still relevant enough to the question asked. And I will seriously stop here.
chepitTOOOO!!!!:too muck talk :D stop talking & dance :lol:

Can people give me names for djs (or place such as blue marlin or party such as Ibiza sensations, Sunset ritual @ Ushuaia tower) that play "house music" (not the F.u,ki?n electro as overated/superstar djs use to lobotomise people :rolleyes:) in Ibiza as Luis del villar (old commercial nice tracks), Inaky garcia, Alfredo, Marco loco, kike Lopez ect..I m looking info for summer 2014 :cool: ...For known djs, Little louie vega, Kenny dope ect...(not roger sanchez:he does not play house music anymore :mad:)
Enjoy the sound :)
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I go,i have breakfast,i have lunch,ihave dinner.I dont care who`s playing where,what and when.I meet great people and have a great time.I dont go near a club or a sunset strip,i still hear the music i want to hear and i still see the sunset and rise.:) roll on october 17th-20th...

Can you please do a review this year?:D