you obviously don't watch csi. here in ibiza when a dead body is found washed up on the shore (this poor man had drowned) there are certain procedures which have to be followed before it can be removed.
from the ibiza sun:a 22 year old british tourist, ex-combatant in afghanistan, was arrested last monday night after attacking 3 policemen. he was told by a policeman that drinking in the street and carrying a glass bottle in the hands was forbidden... fLlCk you he said and punched the policeman. according to him, various policemen attacked him but he didnt show any sign of violence to prove it while three policemen had injuries in the arms (!!).....
..... a year and a half in prison plus a 900€ fine and more than 1.000€ for the affected policemen
dont go carrying bottles if you want to avoid problems.....
josep ramón serra a.ka. pilot a.ka. the-man-all-bar-owners-hate a.ka. the-man-who-dont-look-in-the-eyes a.ka. the-basura-man (as he used to be the boss of the binmen!!):
remember when Robo started some years ago a thread called "San Antonio gets Tough"? well, that was NOTHING compared with what pilot plans to do ! !
at least the previous guy, pantaleoni, owns some bars so he was more flexible but this guy is too much.....
call me old fashioned but i can't see anything untoward about stopping illegal sales of pirate goods, drugs, alcohol after certain hours in uncontrolled establishments etc etc etc. if the same happened in any town in britain you wouldn't bat an eyelid.
Out of interest which bars were closed raided etc?9 dudes arrested for selling fake cd's/clothes/etc (plus 5.097 fake products confiscated), more than 100 denounces for street drinking (most of them outside amnesia and privilege), 25 denounces for selling alcohol after midnight, 5 bars closed for not having the right licences, 6 music equipments sealed, 7 bars raided (drugs were found in 5 of them) and 6 bars which might lose their terrace licence for encouraging people to get drunk with very cheap prices:
funny you say that because every day in the diario de ibiza and ultima hora theres little questionnaries done in the airport to tourists at their arrival or before they leave and thats exactly what lots of them say (ask stephen, its his favourite section in the newspapers). you should see the faces and hear the comments locals do any morning in any bar while having coffee when they read such statements...............It is really sad that anyone would come out with such a statement.this is ibiza, you can do whatever you want here
for respect to these venues is better to not mention them.....Out of interest which bars were closed raided etc?
If they really do want to change the very essence of what Ibiza's about then I doubt in years to come anyone will want to go for the same reasons that they have since 1987. But then the 'war' would have been won and all we'll be doing is looking back.
I'm sure the island won't give up the fight. It's a lot tougher than people think.
this remains me of last summer then this idiot in playa den bossa was lying on the pavement snorting coke and the guys from the souvenir opposite told him to stop or go somewhere else..... his answer: "this is ibiza, you can do whatever you want here"
sadly theres too many people that come here with that attitude.....
... a french youth who had been kicked out of his hotel for destroying things and making a nuisance of himself used the defence
this is ibiza, you can do whatever you want here
to the judge...