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you obviously don't watch csi. here in ibiza when a dead body is found washed up on the shore (this poor man had drowned) there are certain procedures which have to be followed before it can be removed.
a 22 year old british tourist, ex-combatant in afghanistan, was arrested last monday night after attacking 3 policemen. he was told by a policeman that drinking in the street and carrying a glass bottle in the hands was forbidden... fLlCk you he said and punched the policeman. according to him, various policemen attacked him but he didnt show any sign of violence to prove it while three policemen had injuries in the arms (!!).....


..... a year and a half in prison plus a 900€ fine and more than 1.000€ for the affected policemen :!:



dont go carrying bottles if you want to avoid problems.....
from the ibiza sun:

Holidaymaker in Trouble
A British holidaymaker and ex-soldier, who had recently served in Afghanistan, was arrested on Monday after injuring three police officers in a scuffle. According to police sources the incident began in the entrance to a bar, after the tourist was told that he could not continue drinking in the street from his glass beer bottle. The man was said to have then insulted the officer and punched him in the face. He was then surrounded by other officers and hauled to the ground, two more officers being injured in the arrest. However the holidaymaker, 22 years old, claimed that he did not touch the officer and it was in fact someone who had been standing next to him. He admitted that some officers were injured in the ensuing scuffle, but said that he had only merely been defending himself. He claimed that he was hit several times by police with their batons but could not reveal any injuries, whilst the police officers were all sporting bruises and injuries to their arms. The defendant faces a year (and a half - McR) long jail sentence, and a fine of €900 if found guilty.
josep ramón serra a.ka. pilot a.ka. the-man-all-bar-owners-hate a.ka. the-man-who-dont-look-in-the-eyes a.ka. the-basura-man (as he used to be the boss of the binmen!!):



remember when Robo started some years ago a thread called "San Antonio gets Tough"? well, that was NOTHING compared with what pilot plans to do ! !

at least the previous guy, pantaleoni, owns some bars so he was more flexible but this guy is too much.....

The descendant of Pilot in the Bible?
9 dudes arrested for selling fake cd's/clothes/etc (plus 5.097 fake products confiscated), more than 100 denounces for street drinking (most of them outside amnesia and privilege), 25 denounces for selling alcohol after midnight, 5 bars closed for not having the right licences, 6 music equipments sealed, 7 bars raided (drugs were found in 5 of them) and 6 bars which might lose their terrace licence for encouraging people to get drunk with very cheap prices:


and 6 bars which might lose their terrace licence for encouraging people to get drunk with very cheap prices:

I mistakenly thought Ibiza was under democratic rule. This is crazy stuff.
what mackie means by that is the sort of bar that offers all you can drink in an hour for €10 etc etc etc.

call me old fashioned but i can't see anything untoward about stopping illegal sales of pirate goods, drugs, alcohol after certain hours in uncontrolled establishments etc etc etc. if the same happened in any town in britain you wouldn't bat an eyelid.
call me old fashioned but i can't see anything untoward about stopping illegal sales of pirate goods, drugs, alcohol after certain hours in uncontrolled establishments etc etc etc. if the same happened in any town in britain you wouldn't bat an eyelid.

Me neither.

But closing a bar / terrace for selling cheap drinks??? Exactly what law has been broken. It makes absolutely no sense and one would imagine the bar owners would have a good case in a European court. I really cannot get my head around a bar / terrace being closed down for selling cheap drinks.
it isn't that the drinks are cheap. it's just a lost in translation episode from mackie. the bars are not allowed to encourage people to drink excessive amounts of alcohol in a short time - i think the law says something about inducing people to get drunk - ie all you can drink in an hour for 10 euros.

we could debate the freedom vs nanny state question here.......

incidentally, a french youth who had been kicked out of his hotel for destroying things and making a nuisance of himself used the defence

this is ibiza, you can do whatever you want here

to the judge. unfortunately he wasn't a hanging judge so just fined him!!!
It is really sad that anyone would come out with such a statement. It is a pity he was not in front of a tough judge who could have made an excellent example out of the cretin.

Morally, I don't agree with the type of bars you describe, ie; drink as much as you can in one hour. It just seemed bizare that there was any kind of law against selling drinks in this manner!
it happens in britain. from the uk government's law website

Drinking in public

Anti-social behaviour arising from binge drinking, ie drinking large quantities in a short space of time, has meant some towns and cities have now designated places where drinking alcohol is not allowed. If you are caught drinking in a these areas you may be liable for a £50 fixed penalty. Should you be found guilty of being drunk and disorderly in a public place you may not only be liable for a fixed penalty of £80 but you could receive an anti-social behaviour order (ASBO).
9 dudes arrested for selling fake cd's/clothes/etc (plus 5.097 fake products confiscated), more than 100 denounces for street drinking (most of them outside amnesia and privilege), 25 denounces for selling alcohol after midnight, 5 bars closed for not having the right licences, 6 music equipments sealed, 7 bars raided (drugs were found in 5 of them) and 6 bars which might lose their terrace licence for encouraging people to get drunk with very cheap prices:



Out of interest which bars were closed raided etc?
this is ibiza, you can do whatever you want here
It is really sad that anyone would come out with such a statement.
funny you say that because every day in the diario de ibiza and ultima hora theres little questionnaries done in the airport to tourists at their arrival or before they leave and thats exactly what lots of them say (ask stephen, its his favourite section in the newspapers). you should see the faces and hear the comments locals do any morning in any bar while having coffee when they read such statements...............

this remains me of last summer then this idiot in playa den bossa was lying on the pavement snorting coke and the guys from the souvenir opposite told him to stop or go somewhere else..... his answer: "this is ibiza, you can do whatever you want here" (that was before the police car arrived and picked him up). some people is stupid and thats a fact :!:

Out of interest which bars were closed raided etc?
for respect to these venues is better to not mention them.....


tell us the secret mackie

come on mc we wont tell anyone promise by the way keep up the good work on here pics and all round gossip chat fantastic
If they really do want to change the very essence of what Ibiza's about then I doubt in years to come anyone will want to go for the same reasons that they have since 1987. But then the 'war' would have been won and all we'll be doing is looking back.

I'm sure the island won't give up the fight. It's a lot tougher than people think.

your essence of "what ibiza's about" seems to be different from mine. not that I agree with it all or its application, but for me, the general direction of policy (local, national, regional, whatever) seems to have been towards helping the island return to "what ibiza's about" rather than change "the very essence" of it.

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this remains me of last summer then this idiot in playa den bossa was lying on the pavement snorting coke and the guys from the souvenir opposite told him to stop or go somewhere else..... his answer: "this is ibiza, you can do whatever you want here"

That is a disgusting attitude to go on holiday with.
... a french youth who had been kicked out of his hotel for destroying things and making a nuisance of himself used the defence

this is ibiza, you can do whatever you want here

to the judge...

Poor Defence

A 27 year old Frenchman was arrested on Thursday,
at his hotel in Cala de Bou after a week of vandalism.
The owner of the establishment finally decided to call the police after the culprit damaged a door with a fire extinguisher. The man was with eleven other friends who were all asked to leave the hotel. The owner explained that the tourists had been warned on several occasions about their behaviour, but after yet another drunken night, he decided to call in the Guardia Civil.

The arrested man, in his defence, said that he had been told
"that anything was allowed in Ibiza",
an argument not likely to hold him in good stead.

Although a trial date has yet been set, it is assumed that the man will have to pay for approximately €1,000 worth of damage caused.
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