Guy Gerber Presents Rumors...

officially it's running up to 7th october.

the opening today...erm. not busy in the afternoon when our friend Tuur was there. it got busier later (busy enough), but the friends of the police office weren't too happy it seems - music has stopped just when we arrived 20mins ago.
officially it's running up to 7th october.

the opening today...erm. not busy in the afternoon when our friend Tuur was there. it got busier later (busy enough), but the friends of the police office weren't too happy it seems - music has stopped just when we arrived 20mins ago.
Why does it have so many problems?
Why does it have so many problems?

i don't know. i was under the impression they've sorted their licensing issues now and should be fine. maybe it wasn't anything big at all, i'm not there anymore, so it's even possible the music came back on. i'll try to find out more. let's hope it continues, the venue is great for an outdoor afternoon/evening party.
afaik the venue is under jurisdiction of santa eulalia who have a clear anti-clubbing attitude. they will not allow any new club to open in their municipio. yes, plan be was there before but it probably has never had a running license for clubbing so I think even two noise complaints by neighbours will be enough to close it down.

just wondering why gerber chose it with all its problems.
just wondering why gerber chose it with all its problems.

Maybe so we all end up talking about it? It becomes People Vs The Authorities, gets publicity and becomes a big thing!
afaik the venue is under jurisdiction of santa eulalia who have a clear anti-clubbing attitude.

yeah that is common knowledge. but they did a few parties last year (one of them was pretty big tbh) and that went fine, so i really expected they had sorted stuff in the meantime. anyway, i'll wait to see what they come back to us with.
Statement of Guy Gerber on fb few minutes ago:

"So yesterday started slow but eventually it turned out to be an incredible event with beautiful music by Chaim ,tobi Neuman and dani cassarano until 4 police officers showed up ,and sincerely apologizing as they got orders from above to shut us down .it seems that some people are afraid of something ..... .so without hesitating we just continued to la sal and thanks to my friends from IBIZA SONICA RADIO I got to play a few hours but most important is ...that somewhere is sitting one or a few people that thinks that they can stop us , well ,they are wrong,it's simply IMPOSSIBLE .see u in 2 weeks with some rumors from Brooklyn and boston .xxx"
Knew it was going to happen the minute they announced a formal series of parties at that venue !
who are these people behind plan be who tell a dj like gerber 'everythings sorted, yes, now we can have a club here' when nothing has changed about the license in three years ?! (and actually - who believes them still)
who are these people behind plan be who tell a dj like gerber 'everythings sorted, yes, now we can have a club here' when nothing has changed about the license in three years ?! (and actually - who believes them still)

have to agree, it's really getting ridiculous now.