
Dissapointing to say the least so many arguments to defend to keep it open. Has sadiq khan done anything apart from the usual pr stuff on nightlife?

Hope this doesnt have a domino effect across the UK
Hope this doesnt have a domino effect across the UK

Fabric is just the latest in a list of important clubs to close. It makes me furious, even though I don't go clubbing in this country any longer. Question is, what can be done about it? I feel sorry for kids who'll never experience the likes of Fabric or The Arches. Ah well... money that could have been spent going out in the UK will just be spent in Ibiza (and other places where fun is still allowed) instead. C****. :mad:
Has sadiq khan done anything apart from the usual pr stuff on nightlife?

In short, not really.

I'm angry at him too. There's plenty of people out there saying that it's beyond his control and the mayoral position is little more than ceremonial... but that still doesn't change the fact that one of his main policies was to protect London's nightlife;
It's what won over many young Londoners to vote for him.

You can't claim to want to save the nightlife culture, and then the moment you're needed to save fabric, back away and just let it happen. It puts you in the same bracket as every other politician who is all mouth, either actually intervene and stop things like this happening, or don't say you're going to do it.

How is he going to stop the closure of clubs in London if every decision made to revoke licenses is a local council matter over which he doesn't wield any power?

As for his 'Night Czar' job offer, it's little more than a middle man so the the mayor doesn't have to get directly involved with these matters in the future. Just another public body the police and local authorities can manipulate into diluting London's nightlife even further.
This was a plan for the last few years and not directly the fabric site...though the whole area has been up for development for ages and their initial plans got rejected as they basically were demolishing the whole market area which is still in use and a listed building. The area has an amazing history that goes back way beyond Fabric but its worth a fortune and the last thing the council wants is clubs and a meat market. sad sad times. Go to Spittalfields market, which is dull as fck and has a natwest skyscarper on top of it and see what their 'vision' is.

Almost heartbreaking to read that. Imagine all that work, effort and time trading to be shutdown with no notice and thats it. Game over, no one listens.

Great speech from a guy with years of experience in this industry talking from a personal standpoint about the complications places like fabric face every single week - in particular:

"But venues are so far downstream on their ability to fight these challenges, trying to locate items as small as this one—a person wearing a winter coat and bag, maybe up to 25 pockets per person, 2,500 people per night. That could be 62,500 pockets, and that's before you get to the complexities of bras or underwear or things hidden in intimate places."

Absolutely hits the nail on the head that 100% drug prevention at the door just is not feasible - at all - and even if it was:

"Drug-taking is endemic in British society and there's not a shred of evidence anywhere to suggest closing nightclubs will somehow either lower drug harm or eliminate consumption. It's a smokescreen for a drug policy that has consistently failed over a 50-year period."

It just makes you realise how this whole 'Operation Lenor' (a particularly galling and obviously transparent term used by the Met), suspension, and ultimate revocation of licence was just one big ulterior motive to see the redevelopment of the area and claw back some funding for the council who are currently hemorrhaging cash.

It's a disgusting and despicable tactic, and I feel so sorry for him having to watch it all fall apart.

EDIT: Some more links to vindicate how some, like me, are feeling today:


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Got to say well Said Goldie.

The diversity this club has produced and showcased over the years is to be commended. not condemned.

Seen John Peel, Coldcut, James Lavelle