Dance Music: Where are things at?

Agree 100%

Had that a few times during the summer. Coke heads barging through and standing too close so impossible to dance and then standing there talking loudly about absolute bollocks. Felt like busting a few Breakdance moves to clear them out the way.
there seems to be a type, probably a DJ or their partner, often an expat, who caned it hard for years, then found wellness or became self-help gurus, and is really into holistic stuff, virulently antivax in 2021, then that evolved into political paranoia and all kinds of batshit conspiracy stuff. Am just wondering if this was always there but nobody noticed at the time? Maybe it’s the same story with the creeps? Has certain people’s core morality gone out the window due to the junk they watch on youtube?
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there seems to be a type, probably a DJ or their partner, often an expat, who caned it hard for years, then found wellness or became self-help gurus, and is really into holistic stuff, virulently antivax in 2021, then that evolved into political paranoia and all kinds of batshit conspiracy stuff. Am just wondering if this was always there but nobody noticed at the time? Maybe it’s the same story with the creeps? Has certain people’s core morality gone out the window due to the junk they watch on youtube?
I think maybe it's that who those people always were. Got very lucky in 1988, but would have grifted if not and now do with the platform they lucked out on. I used to believe people who said Rampling was just naive, but you can't repeat the same cynical rinsing of people again and again with no awareness that's what you are doing.
Years ago I read the Wayne Anthony book Class of 88 and it was silly but very entertaining. God knows how much of it was actually true (i mean… paratroopers at raves, Judge Jules breaking into cowsheds..) but it fed a myth that raves changed the world. See also Millwall fans hugging ICF (who in reality were nicking all the money) . We all bought into this idea that ‘nothing would ever be the same again’. That led people to not notice what was really happening, the abuses and dark shit women had to put up with. In the 90s nobody ever publically questioned anything. I think everyone priced in an element of seediness where outlaws thrived, but i think it wasn’t till social media changed everything when everyone was suddenly a deer in the headlights. These DJs you’d worshipped cos they were marketed as gods were found out to be a bit shady and in some cases an actual menace. The drugs were amazing but darkened things too in ways nobody expected… Am not trashing the dance legacy. Lives were genuinely changed, people have good memories, and I had good times but it has all been tarnished by this constant drip drip of whoppers showing their true colours on a scene that was supposed to brimg everyone together..
Years ago I read the Wayne Anthony book Class of 88 and it was silly but very entertaining. God knows how much of it was actually true (i mean… paratroopers at raves, Judge Jules breaking into cowsheds..) but it fed a myth that raves changed the world. See also Millwall fans hugging ICF (who in reality were nicking all the money) . We all bought into this idea that ‘nothing would ever be the same again’. That led people to not notice what was really happening, the abuses and dark shit women had to put up with. In the 90s nobody ever publically questioned anything. I think everyone priced in an element of seediness where outlaws thrived, but i think it wasn’t till social media changed everything when everyone was suddenly a deer in the headlights. These DJs you’d worshipped cos they were marketed as gods were found out to be a bit shady and in some cases an actual menace. The drugs were amazing but darkened things too in ways nobody expected… Am not trashing the dance legacy. Lives were genuinely changed, people have good memories, and I had good times but it has all been tarnished by this constant drip drip of whoppers showing their true colours on a scene that was supposed to brimg everyone together..
It's difficult if you were the right age at the time to know how much was just coming of age and how much was a seismic culture shift. I feel that even from 1990, when I got involved, things were different, that I would never have felt the way I did if something massive hadn't been happening.

But then we all got older and maybe some people who would have been pyramid-sellers or snake oil sellers earlier on, have ended up there anyway. f*** 'em, I say. They could be using the platform they randomly got for good,
I don't think you can underestimate the effect of people just getting older, becoming more cynical and feeling out of it, in addition to always being that way. Especially if your career or what turned into one is about youth culture and you aren't young or powerful enough any more. Then they look for easy answers to why its not as good as it used to be. Like wider populism, its looking for easy answers and the internet seems to provide them or those peddling the rubbish say so.