Active Member
Where is the mirrored pyramid ?
I've seen in some old pictures of clubs and partys in Ibiza and in some of them there is a mirrored pyramid. It looks like it stands about 50cm to 150cm high, it also looks like it's sat in a flower bed or a pond. In all of the pictures I've seen if it with clubbers around it seem to be taked in the morning so it might be at an after party.[/b]
I've seen in some old pictures of clubs and partys in Ibiza and in some of them there is a mirrored pyramid. It looks like it stands about 50cm to 150cm high, it also looks like it's sat in a flower bed or a pond. In all of the pictures I've seen if it with clubbers around it seem to be taked in the morning so it might be at an after party.[/b]