Underwater listings?


New Member
Any of you knowledgable people have an idea as to when to expect Underwater's full listings? I'm ready to make my plans but need to know about Tuesdays...

Since we're on the topic (sort of)...what's up with Sundays @ Space line-ups? Coming out soon? Anyone? Robo?
We're on the case :P

Underwater have only announced Opening so far - Fatboy, Emerson, Deluxe and Westwood 8O

We Love Sundays must be coming any day soon, last year it was middle of May when I found out Erick was playing Opening so any day now methinks :D
GIMP thats not a very nice word! you could have used something else. I think Protege is better.

Your only the bos cos your MUCH older than me hehehe!!
Robo said:
GIMP thats not a very nice word! you could have used something else. I think Protege is better.

Your only the bos cos your MUCH older than me hehehe!!

Exactly, age before beauty and all that :P

OK I'm your mentor and you're my protege :P Just think one day Rob you might end up just like me 8O 8O 8O :P ;)
worried?? worried is not the word.
i'm already going to flunk my exams, and then i could end up like that old bint! i tell yeah life is not worth living!
Poor Rob, it was all going so well for him, a bright future ahead of him and all that and then one day he started chatting to some random bint on the net................fast forward a couple of years and Rob will be wearing pink :P stalking Erick and Jon Carter and talking random codshite :D

Don't tell your mum it's me who corrupted you or she might come round and get me :P ;)
Barbie said:
will be wearing pink :P stalking Erick and Jon Carter and talking random *beep* :D

i think i'm alreday there!

"robo makes note to himself that he shouldn't admit that"
Robo said:
Barbie said:
will be wearing pink :P stalking Erick and Jon Carter and talking random *beep* :D

i think i'm alreday there!

"robo makes note to himself that he shouldn't admit that"

PMSL, I'm sure you look lovely in pink :P

Right work done, one young pup corrupted, time for me to move on now to another board :P ;)
so thats your game then is it? you go from board t board to ruining people's lives.

firts the lounge board now this. what next??