tune id 'bounce' manumission@amnesia


New Member
Heard a track while at manumission the other night, towards the end of the night maybe 5:30am, the exact lyrics have left me but the basic jist is BOUNCE or BOUNCING and is in a sexual context, just a guys vocals, desperate for this track.

it's looking unlikely. the lyrics have come to me im almost certain it was "i wanna see you bounce, i wanna see you (touch the floor?) i wanna see you bounce"

damnnn!!! I swear i've heard it and may have it in my hot little hands somewhere....if i find out I'll let ya know! :D Now it's bothering me to know!!! :lol:
Ha! cheers :) I don't normally bother about not knowing but this track was something else, my favourite of the night for whatever reason so that'd be great