Travel adapters


Well-Known Member
Can you purchase USA to Mainland Europe adapters in Ibiza?

I've ordered one off the internet for my American ipod so I can recharge it whilst I away and it still hasn't arrived.
they have these mental 3569 way adapters in the airport which says it will adapt anything.

USA Ipod ;) 8)
Thanks! 8) Do you happen to remember how much they are?

(It was an awful lot cheaper buying it from the states!)
Clara said:
Can you purchase USA to Mainland Europe adapters in Ibiza?

I've ordered one off the internet for my American ipod so I can recharge it whilst I away and it still hasn't arrived.


If you mean the plug that is compatible with the US plugs you should be able to get it at your local hardware store. You do not need a transformer as the iPods are all compatible for 110VAC and 240VAC supply.


Sadly not Clarabel - Was on the way to Ibiza so thems brains cells have well and truly been boshed Im afraid :lol:

Not that expensive though.

Isnt the american one 2pin?
Um, I just need a adapter so I can recharge it abroad. Sorry, I'm really clueless when it comes to things like this.

I asked in Maplin (big DIY type chainstore) and they said they couldn't help. :?
there should Definately be one at the airport doode. If not then the airport is as shit as them maplin assistants. :lol:
what laguna is saying is that for most equipment to be used abroad you need an adapter that will convert the energy from the US standard to the european standard... BUT the ipod is compatible with both US and eurpoean electrical supplies SO...

all you need to buy is a plug that will go onto the cord that will allow you to plug your US appliance into a european outlet...

you do NOT need an electrical converter unit (which is MUCH more expensive... i know i just bought one!!) ...

you can buy plug converters in any hardware store...
Clara said:
Um, I just need a adapter so I can recharge it abroad. Sorry, I'm really clueless when it comes to things like this.

I asked in Maplin (big DIY type chainstore) and they said they couldn't help. :?


I think you would need to be specific with them and ask for a PLUG ADAPTER or a PLUG CONVERTER. Just take the plug with you, and show them what you are looking for specifically. I do not mean to sound cocky but one does not come across folks with high IQ levels (or folks dedicated to providing good customer service)at these stores, and hence, one ends up doing a lot of their work for them. :roll:


Yes, Berry, thaks for simplifying the issue.


Check out the link to the iPod Technical specifications page

On the bottom right-hand corner under power adapter you will see
AC input: 100V to 240V at 0.4 amp maximum
Frequency: 50Hz to 60Hz

This means that it is compatible in countries where the power supply coming from the socket in the wall is between 220V and 240V, and it is compatible with power supply as low as 100VAC (US is 110VAC). Hence, you do not need an adapter or a transformer.

FYI, most of the electronic devices made these days (especially the portable ones) are compliant with power supplies universally. There is no need for purchasing transformers.

That concludes my summarized course on World Power Supply 101. :lol:

