too early to go?


New Member
I've just been sacked from my job so i am seriously thinking about booking a flight 2 ibiza as soon as possible before i spend the little money i have. i'm an ibiza virgin tho so i need some tips. would i be able to find work now or is it 2 early? does anybody fancy coming with me?

i would be grateful for any info you could give me. and if you're up 4 comin along then let me know. :D :D :D
dont go yet. get a job for 2 months and save all your cash. if you go now chances are you will have run out by the time the party starts.

theres a tonne of people swapping msn addresses on here now. im sure you'll meet up with people the day you get off the plane. just bring as much cash as you can.
yeah don;t go now,no jobs untill very earliest april, fatphilb said it best,partyin won't start till beginning of june, so don't go now and spend all your money before then! just go find some crappy job for a couple months,suck it,stay where u are and save more money,trust me your gonna need it
are you still going?

webby1984 said:
I've just been sacked from my job so i am seriously thinking about booking a flight 2 ibiza as soon as possible before i spend the little money i have. i'm an ibiza virgin tho so i need some tips. would i be able to find work now or is it 2 early? does anybody fancy coming with me?

i would be grateful for any info you could give me. and if you're up 4 comin along then let me know. :D :D :D
just got kicked out of uni, looks like we both need a break! are you out there already i wanna go asap, all my friends are finnishing exams and its starting to get to me. im 21 and i hope to do the hole season. let me know if your gonna go or email be good to get your feelings about the move, im such a chicken but i cant wait for that beach x x mollie xx user name kt.
if i was going i would go now as you will find the best jobs around this time, also there is a a recruitment day on the 22nd april! hope you didnt go out in march as that is too early.