The Gays, The Christians, The Jews, The Muslims

They all need a damn good f1sting:confused: .

No seriously, I agree. I am not convinced that they are aware of the shield idea , perhaps the weird tunnel vision that made them believe a man is up there in a spaceship or whatever (christianity, scientology - only difference being 1900 years?) may make them actually believe it all. gosh it may turn their kids?

i was on a pride float in manchester last year and i could not believe the hatred in their eyes. and the bnp. lots of skin heads in bomber jackets and piercings waving brightly coloured flags telling me dressed as a beastie boy with the missus in tow, that i'm going to hell?! they were camper than 90% of the people there!
Ooooh, a Buckley religion thread. From the Guardian no less.

Is it that slow on DSI today?! ;)
Thank god they lost this vote - although I wonder which peers voted in favour of the amendment - have the tories really changed their stripes?

Absolutely ridiculous bunch of people, as usual supported by the daily mail. It's scary sometimes how homophobia like this is obviously just bubbling under the surface ready to raise it's head when you're not looking.
Thank god:)lol: :lol: :lol: Was that meant as irony Nick?) they lost this vote - although I wonder which peers voted in favour of the amendment - have the tories really changed their stripes?

Absolutely ridiculous bunch of people, as usual supported by the daily mail. It's scary sometimes how homophobia like this is obviously just bubbling under the surface ready to raise it's head when you're not looking.

Can't see why clerics aren't arrested for inciting hatred when they spout their rubbish? If I said being black was a sin I encourage businesses not to deal with black people, I would, quite rightly cop a charge, so where's the difference?
Can't see why clerics aren't arrested for inciting hatred when they spout their rubbish? If I said being black was a sin I encourage businesses not to deal with black people, I would, quite rightly cop a charge, so where's the difference?

you've got the right to say that black people shouldn't be accepted at businesses, because that's the right to freedom of speech, but you've not got the right to actually discriminate against them in your business or incite violence against them.

or something like that.

:lol: @ thank god
H'actually, at risk of engaging with you on this debate (and I may have missed the point, I saw something on the news last night, and I assume it is the same story), in my former days of my right-of-center political development, one of the things that seemed to be universally muted, was the question regarding conflicting aspects oft he 'Yuman Rights Act.

Essentially, and particularly with religion, what if a religions fundamental beliefs (which they are allowed to practice, natch) have a polar sword-crossing with the laws and rights of the land? The homophobia of the more determined Christian and Muslim faiths always seemed to be brushed under the carpet, and the question never addressed.

They seemed (once upon a time) to outlaw Rastafarians that liked a shmoke (part of their religion, apparently (haha - you gotta love 'em)), but whats different to that and Chrisso's and Musso's saying gays should be persecuted or whatever?

If rasta's were maybe weren't the laid back chillers we all know and love them to be, and were a little more violent and insistent like 'dem Islams (i.e. didn't spend their entire time getting stoned fnar) then would the Govt buckle at their demands too?

I don't know, and it's not that high on the bothered radar these days. If anything it's funny to see the HRA advocates squirm as it show it to be the ridiculous, unworkable act that it is.
Can't see why clerics aren't arrested for inciting hatred when they spout their rubbish?

because you just cant. the Govt talks tough about the whole Islamic Fundamentalist thing, but does absolutly **** all about it in fear of being branded anti-islamic/racist - now we cant have that can we.

Those ****ing idiots who spout their sermons of hate contridict themselves. They can say what they like because of freedom of speech, yet dispise the western way of life, and are quite happy to live in the west, with some deluded belief that they can turn the UK into an Islamic state, (black flag over downing street and all that) as if it used to and should be.

of all of the religions, Islam is the newest (c.570AD ish)
i suppose it boils down to who you would rather live next to a gay or a muslim?

muslims: all that chanting and people coming & going at all times of the day would be a nightmare, parking would be an issue due to there being 12 datsun sunnys parked outside all the time, plus the noise from them being raided by police all the time. On the plus side theres always the odd kebab/curry going spare!!

gays: well, everyone knows that gays love to party, especially on a school night, so noise again would be problematic the front step would be dripping in ky jelly & man juice so would be very slippery underfoot, on the upside you would not have far to go to get advice on how to position your new scatter cushions or what top to wear with what jeans, they would also bring in your washing if it rained and the shed full of amyl nitrate would come in handy for any roman orgies you may be planning!!

yes I would rather live next to a gay...if i had to choose one of them!!!!!
i suppose it boils down to who you would rather live next to a gay or a muslim?

muslims: all that chanting and people coming & going at all times of the day would be a nightmare, parking would be an issue due to there being 12 datsun sunnys parked outside all the time, plus the noise from them being raided by police all the time. On the plus side theres always the odd kebab/curry going spare!!

gays: well, everyone knows that gays love to party, especially on a school night, so noise again would be problematic the front step would be dripping in ky jelly & man juice so would be very slippery underfoot, on the upside you would not have far to go to get advice on how to position your new scatter cushions or what top to wear with what jeans, they would also bring in your washing if it rained and the shed full of amyl nitrate would come in handy for any roman orgies you may be planning!!

yes I would rather live next to a gay...if i had to choose one of them!!!!!

howabout a a gay muzzie?
i suppose it boils down to who you would rather live next to a gay or a muslim?

muslims: all that chanting and people coming & going at all times of the day would be a nightmare, parking would be an issue due to there being 12 datsun sunnys parked outside all the time, plus the noise from them being raided by police all the time. On the plus side theres always the odd kebab/curry going spare!!

gays: well, everyone knows that gays love to party, especially on a school night, so noise again would be problematic the front step would be dripping in ky jelly & man juice so would be very slippery underfoot, on the upside you would not have far to go to get advice on how to position your new scatter cushions or what top to wear with what jeans, they would also bring in your washing if it rained and the shed full of amyl nitrate would come in handy for any roman orgies you may be planning!!

yes I would rather live next to a gay...if i had to choose one of them!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Although, you'll go to hell obviously. Well, you would if they hadn't decided it didn't exist after all a while ago.
If you're gonna start sporting facial hair I don't think JJ's the man to ask. But as a rule of thumb, I'd say it suits your lifestyle, you go for it.

:rolleyes: :lol:

I must send off all post to legal dept to stop them being twisted by the Rt Hon Buckley MP for Spotlight.