Taxi job in Ibiza...

Do what alot of tourists/locals do, rent a car (40euros) a day, and be whats known as an ''illegal taxi'' alot do it, most never get caught, providing your sensible, usually charge a tad less then normal taxi's or if very busy, sometimes double what the usually taxi's make.
damn straight, or what some seasonal workers do - is take their own car, yes to Ibiza! I think it costs about £400 minimum, but if you offload that against €40 per day (over the season, or a couple of months) and it could work out the better deal...

Plus British bods will be more likely to ask you for a lift with English plates on... Wish I'd of done it this year ...
Don't try the taxi runs this year as the police and govnt are all over it. they are giving out 200 temp licences for more cabs. I saw at least 3 people beaten up this year by other dodgy cabs.