Space & on to Bora Bora


New Member
Hi everyone,

I've been to Ibiza quite a few times, but (and please, no nastiness now!) I've never made it to Space.

I've made it to every other club, but never Space, so this year (3rd September) it is my mission to do Sunday at Space!!

People on this site talk about going to Bora Bora after Space can someone let me know how far away Bora Bora is from Space please.

xpander said:
Hi everyone,

I've been to Ibiza quite a few times, but (and please, no nastiness now!) I've never made it to Space.

I've made it to every other club, but never Space, so this year (3rd September) it is my mission to do Sunday at Space!!

People on this site talk about going to Bora Bora after Space can someone let me know how far away Bora Bora is from Space please.


it's almost directly across the road, you cant miss it!!
Robo said:
walk outside space and its their. you can see it from space... just head for the beach!

u walk away from space and as the music fades away you'll hear the music from bora bora fading in :)
the lyric is wrong!

it's "you can find me in the club, bottle full 'o bub..."
I'm a Yank, and over here they play that dumbass song incessently.
Re: the lyric is wrong!

Technoindustrial said:
it's "you can find me in the club, bottle full 'o bub..."
I'm a Yank, and over here they play that dumbass song incessently.

"you can find me in the club, bottle full 'o bub..." did i have -50 cent tagged on to mine....dont' think so :).....
You can see Bora Bora from outside Space but don't be tempted to walk in an exact straight line (at day or night) as there is some disused marshy land which is inhabited by lots of lizards and hides some water holes. Much to my amusement when I fell flat on my arse by not using a path. :x :)
gecko2 said:
You can see Bora Bora from outside Space but don't be tempted to walk in an exact straight line (at day or night) as there is some disused marshy land which is inhabited by lots of lizards and hides some water holes. Much to my amusement when I fell flat on my arse by not using a path

:P :lol: :P


somebody visited my website :) Thanx.

The picture with the car is across the street (from Space)
You see the entrance of Bora Bora Beach.

(and you see the "disused marshy land which is inhabited by lots of lizards and hides some water holes" :))

btw: I love that car!
xpander said:
Hi everyone,

I've been to Ibiza quite a few times, but (and please, no nastiness now!) I've never made it to Space.


Next time START at Space, then you won't have to mis it
xpander funny that girl
i've been to ibiza 3 times and not made it to space :oops:
i've stupidly done MAD saturday nights and not been able to function on sunday! SORRY barb/rob/everyone
dunno wot i was thinking/????? :roll: :oops: :(

what say xpander me and you do it together this year! i'll have def been there by the time u get out, as gonna do it every sunday i'm out there this year, but would love to be there for your first time!