S'Express tune id


New Member
I think its called "Theme from S'express" but am not sure, it goes "ive got the hots for you"

also, ive hired a bar for m b-day and will be playing live for the first time, would love to drop "ive hots for you" but am worried if it would be classed to cheesey???

to be honest im gonna drop in anyway but was wondering what you guys think..
S-Express - Theme from S-Express (Sonique is the singer on it)

Depending on what else you are playing in your set, I think it would go down well on the dancefloor :D

Hope you have a good night :D
yeah droping it will be hard cos im mostly playing deep tribal prog sounds, im also hopeing to drop gypsy women as i also love that tune...

gonna have to learn to cut like cox in 6 weeks 8O