QUESTION FOR BARBIE, ROBO, Et Al. About Places In Ibiza Town

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Okay, First off, I would like to say thanks for taking the time to read this thread and hopefully a few of the old skool island vets will get a chance to write back.

My name is Greg and this is my first post but I have been checking in on discussions now and then. My question concerns accomodation. I DO realize numerous threads have covered this topic and/or a 'check the hotel page' is a common answer, but rest assured I have done and read all of this.

Now, I am going to be on the island for my second time this August 20th to 28th, and this time I want to stay in Ibiza Town. I was in San An last year and needless to say I spent as much time as possible on the other side of the island.

So, I was originally going to stay in Playa D'En Bossa at Jet or one of the other popular haunts, but after doing some research and hearing some reviews, I realize it might be a bad idea. I have stayed in dodgy hostellas in Barca before, but it would be pointless to ruin a vacation on the island because of some dodgy room at Jet.

SO...I came to the conclusion that I should stay in Ibiza Town proper, or Figuerrtas (sp?) or somewhere still close to where I want to be, but definately not overly dodgy. Noise isn't that much of a problem, but could you guys with your vaunted experience just give me some places that you have been and liked, and or places you are almost positive are good and what prices we are talking. The budget can be stretched, and I know relatively what we are talking about because I have been.

ANY help you guys can give me and my girl on this would be much appreciated. It is her first time and I want to make sure it is brilliant. I know you guys have alot of ideas about this stuff, and as we still haven't booked rooms but have out flight tix, I feel a bit vexed about getting this sorted now. Thanks again for any thoughts you can give me on this.

I would seriously advise you to stay in Playa Den Bossa.

Ibiza Town is lovely but you will miss having a beach and it is very noisey at night.

Figueretas has an ok beach but I feel Playa Den Bossa has so much on offer, and it's near to Ibiza Town. You have Bora Bora, Pin-Up, Space, Ancient People... I could go on.

I was in the same situation as you last year and was so pleased I plumped for Playa Den Bossa. I stayed in the Squash apartments last year which were pretty good but am staying in Jet this year. I really don't think they are like hostels, they are about 2/3 star and look ok. Just make sure you try to get a newer room. They have a fabulous location anyway.
Hi Greg and welcome, I've never stayed in Ibiza Town personally cos I like having a beach close to hand. But this year I have just come back from Es Vive in Figuretes, perfect location for Playa den Bossa and Ibiza Town.

It's a lovely hotel, esp if it is you and your girlie, you can book the hotel direct, we paid about $150 euros for a room (that was with seaview and included a continental breakfast), don't waste your money on a seaview tho and the other rooms are slightly cheaper. It is a bit pricier than some other places but I would definitely recommend it. The pool area is lovely with decking and comfy sunbeds, drinks aren't too badly priced in the bar and they serve lovely grub if you want to eat there in day.

Check out their website for more info

Hope that helps :D

Let me know if you want any other info or suggestions but that would be my no 1 recommendation.

welcome to the site.

Ibiza town tends to be the most expensive areas on the island, but is also one of the cosmopolitan areas.

I have some suggestions. However these are notcheap.

Hotel El corso which is in ibiza town

Royal Plaza Hotel.

Aparthotel Tagomago in ibiza marina

La Marina, situated in the heart of ibiza towns famous port area.

vara del ray guest house. this only has 11 rooms.

i'm not sure if this is waht you were looking for, but its just an idea of some of the accomadation ibiza town.

we all I'm sure have our favourites, and ours is Figueratas. As barbie says the location is ideal as you are literally 10-15 mins either way to Bora Bora et al, and Ibiza Town the other way.

Never stayed in Es Vive, but from the outside it looks the most chilled place in Figueratas, and we nearly booked to stay there this year. Instead we opted for a 2key venue about 30 yards down the same road directly on the beach "Playa Sol II". We stayed there a couple of years ago, had a south facing balcony and caught the sun from 11am until it went down behind the hills - perfect for lazing. On that occasion it cost £250 for a week inc. flights, slightly more this year for 2 weeks.

We like the area as you have the peace and quiet, whilst being on the doorstep of as much night-life as you could possibly want.

Proabably depends on budget in the end.

Enjoy where ever you stay :D :D
Yee, Playa d'En Bossa is THE place to stay.

Great beach, close to Space, DC10, PinUP etc and Ibiza town is just a short taxi/bus away, or even a moderate walk.

Don't bother with San An - its crap.

hi golden boy

golden boy try this website it has all the hotels apartments for ibize etc on here just click ibiza then where you want to stay got all phone numbers to the places as well , also on some there are about 15 to 20 photos of the hotles etc have a look you never know it might be usefull to you .

the website is goodluck
my tip is figuertas, try the ibiza playa am staying there with my man and it look good (check the website paul gave u) its cheapish and near a beach etc

welcome by the way!!! nice to have you here :D

To Everyone,

Well, thanks so much for all your help guys and girls! I didn't expect you guys to be so thorough in your responses and it means alot to me. ! =)

Anyway, the only reason I was onto Ibiza Town was that it seemed some of the cheaper places in Playa D'En Bossa were getting a mediocre review from most of you, but as far as location, I know it is exactly what I want. So that said, I think I can safely say forget San An and Ibiza Town and it will be between Figuerrtas and Playa D'en Bossa. I REALLY wanted to stay at Es Vive. Thanks for that tip. Does Hed Kandi still do Sundays at the poolside this year?

The budget may factor in. I am okay with the price of Es Vive, but my girlfriend will likely not be as things are tight money wise with her. As opposed to the 150 euros per night, we may only be able to spend about 80 to 100 euros a night because the Canadian dollar is such a bitch right now. Unless Barbie, that 150 Euros per night was for splitting a double room? Is that the case, or was that for each of us? Also, I bet they are right near booked up as I know I am on this rather late.

Well, maybe some of you know some nice hostels as well that aren't THAT dodgy that we may be forced to consider. I'd rather upgrade to something like Es Vive personally after doing the San An/hostel thing last year, but unfortunately it is only half my call.

Thanks again for all your help and the really nice welcome to the board. You guys are the best!
Re: Thanks...

goldenboy said:
To Everyone,

Well, thanks so much for all your help guys and girls! I didn't expect you guys to be so thorough in your responses and it means alot to me. ! =)

Anyway, the only reason I was onto Ibiza Town was that it seemed some of the cheaper places in Playa D'En Bossa were getting a mediocre review from most of you, but as far as location, I know it is exactly what I want. So that said, I think I can safely say forget San An and Ibiza Town and it will be between Figuerrtas and Playa D'en Bossa. I REALLY wanted to stay at Es Vive. Thanks for that tip. Does Hed Kandi still do Sundays at the poolside this year?

The budget may factor in. I am okay with the price of Es Vive, but my girlfriend will likely not be as things are tight money wise with her. As opposed to the 150 euros per night, we may only be able to spend about 80 to 100 euros a night because the Canadian dollar is such a bitch right now. Unless Barbie, that 150 Euros per night was for splitting a double room? Is that the case, or was that for each of us? Also, I bet they are right near booked up as I know I am on this rather late.

Well, maybe some of you know some nice hostels as well that aren't THAT dodgy that we may be forced to consider. I'd rather upgrade to something like Es Vive personally after doing the San An/hostel thing last year, but unfortunately it is only half my call.

Thanks again for all your help and the really nice welcome to the board. You guys are the best!

No Greg that is per room at Es Vive not per person.

And if you get non-seaview will be bit cheaper.

You can check availability on their website.

They're not doing Hed Kandi parties on Sun this year, they are Sat before Hed Kandi at El Divinos.
i agree with the figuretes recommendations - it's a great place to stay.

there's a coastal path that takes you round to ibiza town which is great; we really enjoyed stumbling home from the bars and didn't fall off any cliffs.

we stayed in a great hotel called the Los Molinos - it's a bit pricey but the rooms were great - huge with big balconies, great sea view, two nice pools.

Thank you...

Well, to Barbie, Robo, kittenshead, kingsclubber, sunny d and others, thank so very much for all the help. This is one of the few places where the actual intent and spiritual vibe of Ibiza can be felt and seen and isn't just 'window dressing' or fronted but the actual mindset of the people that love this place so much.

Anyway, so I am to take from this that:

Playa D'en Bossa = Either Squash or Jet
Figuerrtas= Playa Ibiza, Playa Sol II, and Es Vive if I can manage it?

Okay, unless y ou guys have any last thoughts I will decide from these and through my lot in with one and get on with it.

Thanks alot guys. I will post my pics and reviews when I get back in August. In the meantime I look forward to chatting with some of you on here!
our pleaseure greg!!
hope you have a wonderful time!!

we look forward to readinmg your reviews, and looking at your pics.

Greg, I problably wouldn't go for Squash. I was happy there but it is a bit from the beach and by the 'classy' Kiss club (although we didn't hear any noise).

Es Vive looks very nice and at least you won't have to worry about maybe not getting a good room which seems to be a problem at Jet.

Have a great one! :D
Help Again?

Hello There again guys!

Well, you were all such a great help last time I asked for some, that I thought I might hit you all up again for some information. Well, although the plan was (as stated above), to stay in a hotel in Figuertas, as feared, cost has factored in for those who I am going with. My girl especially can't afford some of the places, and others are booked as I have left it late!

So.... I am resolved to do the hostel thing IN Figuertas or Playa D'en Bossa. This is not my first choice and not the way I would prefer to "do" the island this year, but I am at the whims of others this time, so....

Can you guys give me ANY help on finding hostels in either Figuertas or Playa De;n Bossa. I know they won't be dream homes or anything, but we really just want something on that side of the island, where we don't have to share the washroom, and our stuff won't get stolen, etc. Other than that, we prolly won't be there very much save to sleep (occasionally) and wash up, so any of you that have stayed places or have some tips on places to avoid, I would be much obliged.

Also, how would I go about booking a hostel. Last year in San An, a travel agent phoned it in for us, but I'm assuming you can't do it online so would I call or just risk the one I want being free and take my chances and go (I'd rather hoped to avoid this last one).

Anyway, any help you can give would be much appreciated. BTW, your info helped some friends of mine find a nice hotel to stay at, and they leave this Saturday. So it didn't go to waste. So thanx again for all that!

Gregory-->Starting to Stress =(

Hey guys,

I just thought I would bump this thread back up to the top to make sure any of the people that helped me previously might see it.

Hope that you can give me a hand on this one.

And thanx again!


we have a whole section on this website where you can browse accommodation and book it online. if you look up just a few inches you will see the word hotels in blue letters. click that and away you go.......