Polish People


New Member
My name is Tom and I'm from Poland ( i hope you know where it is ;) ) . I will finish my school on 16th of may and i want to go to work to Ibiza. I am young person and i have not got qualifications . I speak English and basic French. When i should go to get a job and how do you think, have i any prospects to get it ? I am insecure and i do not know to go there and i will have to back to Poland after one week without money. Please tell me what kind of jobs wait for me in Ibiza!
I met a Polish girl from Poznan working there last summer. She was getting paid "under the table" though because at that point the new EU states didn't yet have employment rights in the older EU states (do they have them now?)
Morbyd said:
I met a Polish girl from Poznan working there last summer. She was getting paid "under the table" though because at that point the new EU states didn't yet have employment rights in the older EU states (do they have them now?)

Poland will have employment rights like older EU states in the begining of may. Thanks for this link bu there is a sentence which i do not like : Experience is also preferred for bark and restaurant work. I do not have experience and please tell is there any chance for me to find a job there ? And please tell me how do you find a job ? You go from bar to bar or you know where you will work in april ??