playa den bossa versus san antonio?


New Member
what types of work have people done in each of these places? ive stayed in san an bay and playa den bossa and i think i would prefer living in playa den bossa.

id be happy doing any sort of work but im worried that without any bar/pr experience and lack of stunningly good looks:oops: i wouldnt get too far in finding a job.
well from everything iv been told on my job search in Ibiza to work in playa den bossa its required in most places to speak german/italian/spanish..san an is mostly brits..english..
my husband speaks pretty good german so he would probably be fine, i on the other hand have few skills :cry: boo hoo. do you think it would be worth while trying to get some bar work in the uk first, before heading over or would it make little difference?
well i only speak english and i have managed to get a job in bossa for this summer!
every year im over there i find that most of the europeans have english as their second language no need to worry!!

go to bossa!!!

carly x