Pete Tong @ space


New Member
Anybody here this guy sunday?

Oh my god!!!!! I have read many reports myself about his terrible mixing but have never witnessed it myself. He completly f*cked up 3 out of the first 4 mixes on Sunday. Still good fun though :D its just amazing a guy like him gets the opportunity to close the terrace.

Pete Tong = a great radio dj with a fantastic passion for house music but a very poor club dj. Nice touch though finishing with U2 - the streets have no name ;)

Groove Armada tore the terrace apart though from 6pm, Lawler produced a solid set. And it was so refreshing to hear house music inside space from jon carter and armand.

Anyone else there? Space was space and I still had a wicked time although I definitely prefer june and september when things are a bit less busy and the crowds are cooler. Roll on my third trip for space closing :D :D :D
didnt he play that last year?!

anyways gotta love Pete Tong, he introduces so much stuff to me! And its coz of him I got into Cream for free! ;)
Bukes said:
Pete Tong = a great radio dj with a fantastic passion for house music but a very poor club dj.

I used to think that but his set at pure Pacha at the end of June changed that opinion completely. He tore the place up and was the best set I heard in Pacha all week
Ive seen Tongy three times in Ibiza. Twice at Space (inside and out) - absolute rubbish both times. At pacha though, he was really really good. You go figure
rustywoo said:
Ive seen Tongy three times in Ibiza. Twice at Space (inside and out) - absolute rubbish both times. At pacha though, he was really really good. You go figure

He is awesome at Pacha. Why he can't cut it on the terrace is anyone's guess. Still class though.
Bukes said:
Nice touch though finishing with U2 - the streets have no name ;)

Yeah he played that at the radio 1 thing in space last year. Thought it was really original and imaginative at the time. :roll:
Pete Tong is a serial offender when it comes to dodgy only need to listen to the numerous live essential mixes he has done since 1994 to realise that he has messes up at least two mixes in every set he does....I'm sure he would admit himself that his mixing is pretty crap.

Tong only gets to DJ at clubs because his name is guaranteed to pull a big crowd...I think he should stick to his radio show, which is quite good IMO.
I should also point out that I have no problem with DJs not mixing....i have heard blinding sets from Danny Krivit and Francois K which had very little mixing - but the lack of mixing in those cases is due to the variety of styles that they play, and they also know how to bring a track straight in without upseting the tempo.
i was there on sunday having witnessed an awesome set from him last year i was really disappointed i usually love tong but he really didnt do it on sunday, admittedly they did turn the sound down when he took over from lawler! i saw him at pacha the friday before and he was ten times better! also why did he play U2 he did that last year and oakie played it at cream

Groove armada were awesome how tall is that guy!
Pete it wrong....TWICE

My whole Holiday was built around the Radio 1 weekend, and the two days at Punta Es Moli were wicked..but this was mainly down to two things, Tongy only played a couple of tracks, and everyone there was there to see a group of people and not just the man himself...

But that all changed on Firday night at Pacha, it was a shame, cos he had to follow and absolutely wicked set by David Guetta (man of the momoent out in ibiza if you ask me), he played a blinding set, and even tho the club was absolutely rammed (to bursting point) he kept the crowd entertained at all times, he picked us up, dragged as along, then found even f***iner tunes to throw us all around the room and he really seemed to be enjoyinjg himself as well......but true to form, Pete Tong Got It Wrong.....he played for himself, hardly made any crowd interaction at all and played what I can only describe as a very mediocre set. You could tell it wasnt going down that well cos the club was still rammed at the ned of Guett's set, but as soon as Tong started playing, it got emptier and cooler at, not a terrible thing as it was hot as hell in there, until at the end of the night, there was a crowd there who were only there cos they were big Tongy fans.

So the night ended on a couple of very poor tracks if you ask me...the guy has no flar when he plays live, he played a couple of dodgy tracks if you ask me, some Nirvana mix, another Coldplay remix...and yes you guessed it...the U2 track again.....all in all, the guys I was there with (6 of us in total) werent at all impressed and were all a bit gutted we hadnt left after David Guetta...but not to worry we thought...Tong played a wicked set at Space on the Terrace the year before (finishing on U2 as said on forum earlier...doesnt he have any new records for Gods sake) so he had all to play for and we were sure it was gonna be a good one.

So Saturday came and went, Punta Es Moli again for Seb Fontaine (who was wicked) then on to Pin Up for a fantastic night, Lottie, Guetta again, Emmerson and Tim Deluxe...a great night, and the cheapest of the holiday...Ending the night at El Devino's was great...and wow, what a club and what a view.

Sunday...the day had arrived, space was upon us and we made our way down there at11am to get the whole day said in other posts, everyone leading up to Tong was great, and Groove Armada's set was great....some top tunes and the energy in the room was amazing....

And then there was Tong........granted he played the last set, and yes they do have to adhere to local noise polution levels.....but oh deary me....started of with a few dodgy mixes, and some very week tunes...and believe it or not a lot of people were stadnign around with there arms crossed waiting for something special...that didnt happen im afriad....bad mixing turned to worse mixing, people complaining that they couldnt here a thing..and even a guy in the crowd holding up a digital place reading "TONGY IS A TWAT" which changed shortly after to "TONGY IS A LAZY TWAT", and then the night was wound down with U2 and a new mix of Plastic Dreams, awesome track, but it was a case of far too little far far to late. I woudl be very surprised if this guy is invited back again to play the terrace,...and if he is I defintiely dont think it will be for the last set.....

Plenty of young kids saved for a long time to get out to Ibiza jsut for this one weekend a year....I know that is why me and my mates were there...and one of the main guys we went to see ended up playing mediocre uninspired sets that were what you would expect from a newbie bedroom DJ, not a world renownded radio DJ and somebody who is supposed to have inspired the scene......all it would have taken was a couple of massive them brand new or not, and the crowd would have been whipped up into a total frenzy, they could have been a couple of old classic...and not U2 again...cos he may have torn up the Terrace with it last year...but people into the scene want to hear new freash stuff...and at least new mixes. I for one wont be hurrying to see ther man himself moving forward....maybe he should jsut stay in his studio at Radio 1 and have his teem sort him out....cos I dont think he is worth anythign else anymore...don't get me wrong, I have seen this guy play some amazing sets....but maybe his time has passed
heard tong at manumission two years ago at the radio one thing and he was a complete joke, how he become a dj is beyond me...

then it might have been a one off as some people worship the ground he walks on..
In my experience, Tong can be hit or miss - but mainly miss! I spent the best part of my earlier clubbing years avoiding club nights with his name on the bill like the plague due to very mediocre performances. Then, on one fateful evening at Pacha last year he stepped in to fill the shoes of the "I'm-too-busy-promoting-my-new-album-in-America-to-play-at-my-night-in-Ibiza" Mr Oakenfold and played one of the best sets I've ever heard. He rocked the joint!

Sadly, it seems this was to be a one off!
Ive seen pete tong lots of times b4 and he ranges from playing good tunes and mixing well to playing terrible tunes and making a hash of a load of mixes
He is very erratic