Need Accommodation


New Member
Me and one of my friends have booked a flight to ibiza on the 26th of June. We are hopeing to stay in San Antonio all summer and not leave until early September. However we can not find any accommodation that will keep us for this length of time! Does anyone have any advice or could you tell me somewhere that will keep us for this length of time??? Any help would be appreciated! Also if anyone is looking to share a room let me know!
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Im no expert on this..... or anything for that matter ;) but if you are intending to work out there for the summer, most ppl are just booking a flight and accom for a week or 2, to give dem time to sort out accom and a job. As for accom, if you really wanna book it b4 u go i have come across this website through other ppl. You can have a look at it anyway - might give you an idea of what to expect

There is another forum that a lot of ppl intending to work this summer are using also +has a lot of good info like this forum